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HPX 4WD slipping
Okay, I read through alot of the older posts here on this issue. On my 2005 HPX Trail (400 hours), Either in high or low in certain conditions, steep udgrade and thick mud, the 4WD definitely slips. There is a noise which is hard to locate, front half of the machine, which reminds me of a spline or gear tooth slipping, not quite engaged. I was looking for couplers that may have been worn on the 4WD shaft, but they seem fine. I was also concerned about where it connects to input shaft on the front diff. Also appears to be fine. You can see and feel the machine slightly jump when the noise is produced. Now I'm wondering about this issue with the front right axle popping out? What is JD's solution? Is there a bulletin someone can post? Will talk to my JD dealer next week, but eager to be pre-informed. Thanks . . . Steve
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HPX 4WD slipping
I think there is a bulletin on the front axle backing out of the front drive unit and chewing up the splines. Either there is a bulletin or I have heard of it happening somewhere, I can't remember which. Either way, I'll bet your problem is there.
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HPX 4WD slipping
I just remembered there is a Solution number 80958 from deere that covers problems like yours. Ask your dealer when you see him.
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HPX 4WD slipping
I went out and checked my front axles for movement side to side. Amazing, left axle firm and in place, right axle shifts side to side about 1" or a bit more! I'm sure that is the problem as it is dislocating from the splines in the front diff., giving me the "slipping" feel when in 4WD. JD's solution number 71175 covers this. The snap rings on the axle aren't strong enough to hold it in place. JD says to install a new circlip or snapring on the axle to see if it resolves the problem first. If that doesn't resolve it, they say to then replace the axle with a new style one which has 2 CV joints vs. the old which has 1 CV joint and 1 u-joint. New style axle . .. $400.
I'll take mine apart and see if there is another way I can back up the snap ring with a shaft collar or something.
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HPX 4WD slipping
My 07 gator 4x4 hpx in now popping it's right axle out when I put in in 4wd and go over some rough terrain. Does anybody know if the new snap ring on the axle works to fix this problem? I don't want to upgrade to the new $400 axle solution. Thanks for any help in adavance.
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HPX 4WD slipping
Does your HPX's front axle have a CV joint and a u-joint, or does it have 2 CV joints. I thought that they had used the new style axles after SN 40000. In my opinion, I don't feel a new snap ring is a permanent solution. I haven't worked on mine yet but will hopefully this week. Plan "A", if possible is to limit axle movement or back up the snap ring with a locking shaft collar or something? Plan "B", I may jack it up and work the suspension and measure necessary axle movement. I will then consider removing my axle and cutting it and lengthening it to a new size that prevents it from coming out, but gives it any end play it may need.
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