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gator losing power and smoking
was reading some other posts and it sounds like i have similar issues. this has been going on for 3 years now. gator loses power and blows clouds of smoke out. after that the the low oil pressure light will come on while idling. finding gas in the oil. spoke with jd reps and have given me no help. eventually it will foul the plugs out.
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gator losing power and smoking
I can't believe the JD reps can't help you. I would bet you need a new needle valve in your carb. The valve that shuts the gas off coming into the carb. The end of the needle wears down over time and it gets too short to completely close off the gas supply and gas leaks into the carb when it is supposed to be closed off. It goes in to, and contaminates the oil in the motor, so the oil gets thinned out and cannot make enough pressure to keep the light off. Then fouled plugs, worn bearings, etc. If the JD reps don't know that by now they need a reality check. I think needles are around 20.00
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gator losing power and smoking
The only thing jd told me to do was try putting cardboard in front of the radiator to help keep engine hotter. The machine only has about 130 hrs on it and the problem has been going on since 30 or so. I'm tired of trying to contact jd with no solutions.
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gator losing power and smoking
It sounds like it's not old enough to have a worn needle. You may have a pin hole in the float or a piece of dirt in the needle/seat area.
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gator losing power and smoking
Yeah, mine has 32 hours and started dropping one cylinder for no apparent reason (after its up to temp) and then pouring smoke out like a steam locomotive. My JD dealer says theres some safety mechanism that shuts off one cylinder under certain conditions. My question is, WHAT CONDITIONS??? I've not changed the usage at all, and now this all the sudden. I'm really pissed, and I'm less than one year into 36 payments. I didn't drop 12k on the supposedly "best" to get this!
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