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AMT600 with ignition problems
I have an AMT600 that recently became hard to start, after a little investigation I discovered that the spark appeared weak. I replaced the spark plug and re-did the connection on the spark plug lead, spark was still weak. I removed the engine cowling and checked (visually) the ignition coil for damage, it appears O.K.
My question is; how can I determine if the coil is good or bad with a resistance test on the wiring and is there something else I am overlooking?
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AMT600 with ignition problems
One thing I would do before anything else is run a ground wire from the bolt that holds the regulator onto the frame to the motor or starter.
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AMT600 with ignition problems
Thanks for the tip Gatoraider. I finally had a chance to try it out and the spark looks much better, but the engine still makes NO attempt to start even if I spray starting fluid into the carb. while turning it over. Any suggestions?
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AMT600 with ignition problems
OK I have some ideas. I assume you are checking the spark at the plug while grounded to the motor. I see it is a new plug so we can assume you are getting spark in the cylinder. I think taking a compression test is next, you could have a burnt or stuck valve or a broken valve spring. If all that checks out ( you should have at least 90psi compression ) the only other thing I can think of is a sheared or partially sheared flywheel key. If it won't fire on starter fluid, that tells me there is no compression or the spark is getting there when the compression isn't present. Also, here is a compression release on the end of your camshaft, i'm not sure if it could malfunction enough to make it not start, but that would show up in the compression test.
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