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Power loss under load
I have a 2003 Trail Gator HPX. When going uphill from 3/4 to full power, engine runs great for 3 seconds then looses power, sputters and almost dies. Recovery at idle takes about 10 seconds to run smooth. Replaced fuel,replaced spark plugs,air filter,fuel filter, cleaned carb and checked jets, checked carb solonoid,fuel pump is good, gas tank vent OK, both plugs have slight carbon buildup but are equal in color,and oil level is between lines. 230 hours on Machine. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Power loss under load
How long has this been happening? And is it the same all the time? It certainly sounds like you are running out of gas. Those carbs will plug up and almost loose a cylinder, but you are up on top and pulling air thru the throat and gas thru the main jet and that's it. Sooooo, I remember something about the fuel pump cavitating and squeeling, I wonder if you are sucking air in the pick up line from the tank. Or the needle and seat has something in it. I can't remember what makes the fuel pump squeel. Pinched line or??? It just sounds like you are cleaning out the gas that's in the carb and then it dies. Pull the pick up out of the tank and take it off the tank side of the fuel pump and put the air to it. Also there is a test for the fuel pump, so many ounces of fuel in so many seconds. I think you could take the line off, turn the key and guess if it's enough fuel. After all that there is electrical. The ign. module takes care of the advance, and if it doesn't advance you're going to put too much gas in the motor and it will quit. Lots of things to think about.
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Power loss under load
It's been happening since December and its the same all the time. I drained the fuel by putting the gas line from the fuel pump into a gas can. Pumped 2 gal's out pretty quick so I don't think thats the problem. When I had the carburator off, I put the float in the open position and blew air in the gas line and it seemed to come through the needle ok but I didn't remove it to inspect visually. Maybe I'll do that. Also, when it happens I can get a little help by messing with the Choke. Thinking about the Ignition Moduel, Is there any test for it or do I just bite the bullet and replace it.
Many Thanks!!
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Power loss under load
If you can get help with the choke that means that you are slowing down the air intake to create a better mix with the fuel you are getting. That goes to a plugged jet, etc. Could be misleading in this case. There is so much going on in the module that I'm sure there isn't a test for it. It's a shame you don't have a buddie with an HPX that you could borrow a module from. It doesn't have to be mounted, just plugged in. Why don't you try it and right when it stops, shut it off and check the plugs and see if they are wet or dry. If dry you are starving it if wet you are flooding it. Also if they are both the same then it would rule out coil, trigger, etc. that are unique to one side. Also maybe get a hose and a jug ( clean ) and put some gas in it and use it for a supply to the pump to eliminate anything in the tank.
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Power loss under load
Great idea to let it die and check the plugs. I'll see what they say. Thanks
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Power loss under load
Sounds like it may be a broken govenor vane to me. Can you put a heavy load on it on level ground?
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Power loss under load
It will stay running but starts running rough
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Power loss under load
A better answer to your question would be... In neutral at full throttle it will maintain rpm but will start missing. The greater the load (eg.uphill)the more exaggerated the problem becomes.
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Power loss under load
I think you have two problems. A partially clogged jet and a malfunctioning governor. Take the carb apart and soak it in carb cleaner for a while then use compressed air or a can of cleaner and blow through all the orifices and needles backwards of normal operation. That should get it all cleaned out. As for the governor that is a little more involved. Try cleaning and see how it runs the governor problem may be to little to care about if the machine is running correctly.
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Power loss under load
Well, ran it uo a hill and when it quit turned it off and removed the plugs. Both were the same, dry and slightly white. Removed Carburtor, reinspected all jets, removed floats, needle valve and blew out. Jets are all clean. All seems ok. Carburator overall looks good. Replaced all gaskets. Machine shows a little improvement but today is a lot warmer and that could be part of it. Noticed when in neutral and give it gas it bogs at first then grabs and picks up rpm like my old car when the timing needed to be advanced. I guess the next step is to buy a Ig moduel unless anyone can think of anything else to try first.
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