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 06-08-2010, 10:00 Post: 171415

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 Question about JD Gator XUV

I just traded my HPX for an XUV. The dash board right above the toggle switches has an opening and it looks to me there should be a cover on it. Am I right or wrong or does JD want me to purchase their GPS to fill in the space?
Second question is about the rear hitch. I have a couple of 2" receivers and when I put them in the XUV hitch there is a lot of play. Does JD want me to buy their receiver?

Nice machine -- way too fast and this thing does not stop on a dime. Going down a hill I stand on the brake and while it slows the machine down, it takes a long time to bring it to a stop.

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 06-08-2010, 15:37 Post: 171434

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 Question about JD Gator XUV

Not sure what the opening is you ask about, I'll look at mine.
We went from the original 2 X 4 thru the HPX, now an XUV. The fuel injection on the XUV's did more for the Gators than anything else they've did in years. Someone else ask about the brakes, this was discussed here before and it seems the disc plates on the wheel hubs or the pads themselves, I can't remember which can get glazed and doing the brakes hard a few times will help. I really haven't had the problem yet.
The hitch recievers seem to fit the ones I have, I can't say that I've really compared them to the one on the pickup. By far the handiest option on mine is the front mounted hitch reciever, lots easier to back a wagon or trailer into a shed when you're lookong forward rather than trying to look over your shoulder.
Yes they move right along but a newer model that goes even faster is on the way. I see no need for it unless you are a sport rider only and that just isn't what a Gator was meant for, it is a work machine. Another Mfg. advertises on TV avout a 70 hp. Gator type machine, I'm, sure that is Deere is after that part of the market too. The original 2 x 4, and 6 X 4's were pretty slow even for a chore machine. I think it is time to draw a line between a speed machine and a work machine.

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 06-09-2010, 09:45 Post: 171449

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 Question about JD Gator XUV

I just looked at the dashboard on the Gator and all I see above the rocker switches is a warning stiker, no holes.
If you mean the opening between the top of the dashboard and the front hood that is the hole to reach the hood latch.

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 06-09-2010, 12:04 Post: 171454

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 Question about JD Gator XUV

No the hole or space (6" X 3"Wink yeah right is right above the toggle switches for the 4X4 and lights. It looks to me like it was made for a small storage space but without a cover it looks funny.

Thanks for following up. I'd go to the dealer but I'm probably the last person in the world he wants to see. What I paid for the trade was insane. Good for me and bad for him. He must have really wanted to move some equipment last week when I bought it.

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 06-09-2010, 12:13 Post: 171455

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 Question about JD Gator XUV

Nope, no hole there in mine, just a warning sticker about the size you describe. It doesn't feel like ther is a cover or anything under the sticker.
Mine is one of the first XUV's so you probably are correct that Deere has a gadget of some sort to sell you that fits in the hole, a radio, maybe?

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