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1997 gator 6x4 throttle sticking
Well on the continuing saga of getting to know every piece of this gator before using it. I solved the water in the oil issue and now it is back together and it starts up and runs good. I have 2 issues 1 is the idle is too high and its immpossible to get it into forward or reverse without using the choke to lower the rpms. Also when I finally get it in gear it feels like it is always at say 1/2 throttle no matter what. I can use the choke to kill the motor or slow it down but I know that is not a good solution. I have read the service manual about adjusting all of this but man is it confusing. Does anyone have any insight on how to fix this?
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1997 gator 6x4 throttle sticking
The plate that has the springs, etc on it has two nuts holding it on. Try slackening off the nuts and moving the plate. This *should* make a big difference to the idle speed.
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1997 gator 6x4 throttle sticking
I am not sure what plate you are reffering too. The issue is on the actual carb there are 2 butterflys the front one is the choke the back one is the throttle if I am correct. It looks like JD doesn't believe that the throttle should be a simple thing. The back butterfly kinda free floats with a rod that pushes it forward but not back. I solved the issue by putting a spring on the throttle that holds it closed until it is pushed open by the rod. Then when you release the gas it shuts. It make it a bit jerky but at least I can get it in gear and drive the dam thing.
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1997 gator 6x4 throttle sticking
See Page 92 in the manual.
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1997 gator 6x4 throttle sticking
Been there! Read that! Printed it out! Still shaking my head! Curse you JD and your stupid govenor system.
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