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John Deere AMT 622 5-wheel gator help
Just bought a used john deere gator 622. This is the old 5 wheeler model.
It runs but lacks some power. I cannot go up any hills. I changed the spark plug, fuel filter, oil. The kawasaki motor burns some oil but don't think this is the cause. Could it be the fuel pump? This was stored outside for a year.
Also the Gator grinds gears some when putting lever in forward or reverse, the previous owner turned down the idle some. Someone told me it's the clutch buttons on the secondary clutch. How do I change this? Don't I need a clutch puller?
Would love to make this gator usable on the farm.
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John Deere AMT 622 5-wheel gator help
well, I just did a compression test on the engine. 180lbs PSI. I believe the engine is good. Clutches work ok in neutral but not uphills. Idle seems a little off. Can this be a carburetor problem?
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John Deere AMT 622 5-wheel gator help
Your primary clutch or secondary clutch may not be spreading open under a load. It is usually the secondary (larger diameter) clutch that is sticky. The two halves can be turned by hand a little (oposite directions) and then spread carefully with a pry tool (huge screw driver). Spray the center shaft with pentrating oil and clean off. This may need to be done several times, until the clutch halves spread freely. If you take the belt off while spread, you won't get oil on it. Clean the clutch surface when done. The clutches need to spread under a load, to create a smaller diameter "pulley" for power, rather than speed. Yes, you may need new nylon bumpers on the secondary clutch. There are 6 (3 for each direction, forward/ reverse). The bumpers are available at your John Deere dealer. Or check www.jdparts.deere.com Hopefully the surface the bumpers ride on is not damaged by operating without a bumper. Good luck.
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John Deere AMT 622 5-wheel gator help
You will find that a sticky clutch shaft (primary or secondary) which is not fully closing at idle, may result in dificulty shifting in/out of gear forward/reverse.
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