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gator clutch
i recently bought a used 2007 580d xuv with 300hrs. looks new but when i start to take off the engine revs up and jerks in gear taking off. jerks worse in reverse than forward. if i ease the accelerator down it seems to take more rpms to engage than if i shower down. i have driven other utility vehicles and they gradually accelerate and i am wondering if this condition is inherent in a gator or is there a problem? thanks,
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gator clutch
Welcome to the group, we sometimes can't answer every question, but we try.
No, that's not the way a Gator should act.
Did you test drive it before you bought it? Did you buy it from a dealer? If so and this started soon after your purchase then perhaps the dealer will fix it for you.
If you're on your own to fix it then perhaps Gatoraider will hop in here to help out, I can give you a few maybe's but he can go right to the point. Let's wait for him, OK?
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gator clutch
jjc, since it is a diesel( 850d instead of 580d ) and has all that torque, I'm betting the previous ownew was dragging something somewhere. I've seen new looking HPX and XUV Gators that had both clutches so bad you couldn't fix them. I think the owners buy them to drag logs out of the woods. This puts a large strain on the drive clutches and it wears them out in a hurry. Take the drive belt off and examine the sheaves on both clutches. Check for grooves caused by belt slippage. Check for side to side play on both moveable sheaves. There are rollers in the drive clutch that could be flat-spotted and the plastic buttons on the helix in the driven clutch could be worn or missing. After you check it all, the easiest and cheapest place to start is a new drive belt, you will need one anyway.
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gator clutch
jjc, since it is a diesel( 850d instead of 580d ) and has all that torque, I'm betting the previous ownew was dragging something somewhere. I've seen new looking HPX and XUV Gators that had both clutches so bad you couldn't fix them. I think the owners buy them to drag logs out of the woods. This puts a large strain on the drive clutches and it wears them out in a hurry. Take the drive belt off and examine the sheaves on both clutches. Check for grooves caused by belt slippage. Check for side to side play on both moveable sheaves. There are rollers in the drive clutch that could be flat-spotted and the plastic buttons on the helix in the driven clutch could be worn or missing. After you check it all, the easiest and cheapest place to start is a new drive belt, you will need one anyway.
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gator clutch
you are right it is an 850d. i'm a judge and when it comes to mechanics ii am long on theory and short work, but between me, my nephew and son-in-law we can generally fix anything. i cannot find a service manual for gator.
i looked at the belt. the teeth on the belt and teeth on rear pully(sheave?) look ok. the plates on each side of the front sheave are smoothe and sides if belt look ok. engine off and in nutral belt is slak enough to move back and forth. dont know how to remove belt, etc. any other checks or tests i can do. nearest jd dealer 50 miles away. one other sympton: when comming to stop can hear distinct "clunk" which think is front sheave seperating. thnks jjcford
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