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Help w gator restoration
I just got an 03 6x4 Gator and need some info to get started restoring it.
First a problem; it won't go into gear w/o grinding. I have to jump the neutral switch and start it in gear.
What do I look for?
Where can I get a tech manual and a parts list? Is there a source of parts other than JD?
Any and all help would be appreciated.
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Help w gator restoration
I apologize for not seeing your post earlier.
If your Gator won't go into gear without grinding, it's likely a problem with the clutch failing to disengage.
There's likely an adjustment that can be made to the clutch pedal. You'll need to take out the slack.
I'm wondering if your clutch pedal goes clear to the floor without much resistance? If so, you'll need to adjust the clutch linkage, or cable.
Just make sure that you leave some slack, because you don't want the clutch to slip. You want to be sure that your clutch is FULLY engaged when you let off the clutch pedal.
If you take out too much of the slack, you'll end up with a situation much like riding the clutch pedal with your foot. This will quickly wear out the clutch.
Once the clutch is adjusted properly, you should be able to start it normally.
Hope that helps.
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Help w gator restoration
The 6X4 Gator does not have a clutch in the usual sense. The transmission is a constant-velocity system in which a belt runs around a pair of centrifugal 'clutches'.
Propulsion of the machine starts when the engine reaches a speed such that the primary clutch engages the belt.
The usual causes of grinding gears are:-
1/. the engines idle speed is too high, or
2/. the primary clutch needs repairing or a clean and lube.
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Help w gator restoration
Hi, I think I already replied to your previous post. I omitted to say that John Deere have a very good online parts list:
Just enter the keyword 'Gator'.
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