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Diesel gator 4X6
I am considering buying a commercial grade (yellow) JD diesel gator. It is a 2001 with 1100 hours. Is this a reliable vehicle. Any expected problems. Will the diesel be dependable.
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Diesel gator 4X6
I own this exact model. It's astonishing how long it runs on a single tank of fuel. How much is the seller asking for it?
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Diesel gator 4X6
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Diesel gator 4X6
Yanmar motor? Yanmar is a VERY nice motor, and highly sought. Nice price, and NO that is not high Hrs. considering it's a diesel, Yanmar/hrs. even better.
Maintainance You should perform: check on that clutch and the chain drives for any slop/play, but this would be normal maint. not to drop sale price. Also flip/rotate front tires (tire shop will do for $10/tire). and check wheel bearings.
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Diesel gator 4X6
I'm interested in that machine, if you pass on it!
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Diesel gator 4X6
The price seems about right. There are few pieces of equipment that, sight unseen, get my attention quicker than a military or worksite gator (these two share many of the same upgrades). It does have a Yanmar engine. About the only way I can think of that you could turn a food deal into a bad one is if the transmission has been ruined from the wrong oil being used. While it's true that the wrong oil doesn't always ruin a tranny like this gator has, the right one never does. If it runs well (even if it just runs "ok" , I'd jump on it. These don't come around that often - if it turns out to not be a good fit for you, the worst case is probably that you just sell it for what you paid. Let us know what you end up doing.
I can't overstate how good this engine has been, and I've owned a lot of off-road diesels (from dozers to 3 cyl backhoes). [sorry- I sound like a salesman, but I'm not even remotely connected to JD)
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Diesel gator 4X6
Mackey, can you suggest anything on the problem we've got?
We are trying to pull the bearings out of the front wheels of a '97 4x6. Can't seem to do it by tapping out w/ a punch from opposite side. There's an inner an out on both wheels. Ring pins/bearing locks have been removed. Anyone have any suggestions on how to get them out?
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