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2001 will idle but not run
I have a 2001 Gator with a 10hp kaw engine,It starts up and idle's like a kitten but when you give it gas with out choking it, it wants to die. I have remove the Carb and soak it for 2 days in cleaner, blew out all of the jets, etc,. reinstalled and still the same. If I pull off the hose intake from the filter, it will take the throttle without the choke. (very weird). I have a new air filter. Is it possible that I have to change the jetting? I have just less then 1000 hours on the JD. Thanks!
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2001 will idle but not run
Ok, here's it what I accomplished this morning. I replaced the air filter on to the carb and started the unit up. As always, idles great. If you try and give it gas to fast it dies out. If you give it gas, hesitating as your depressing the pedal, without choking it, it speeds up. This is in the garage and not with a load under it. I can clamp the fuel hose coming from the pump as I am working the gas pedal and it will take a while before the engine starts to starve for gas, so I don't suspect the fuel pump. My guess now is that the jetting needs changed to a larger orifice. Opinions?
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2001 will idle but not run
I think it's a plugged up air jet.
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2001 will idle but not run
I pulled the carb off again and decided to pull the jet out and replace it. I also pulled the air filter system apart to make sure the mice hadn't built a nest in it. I knew the other end of the cylinder type container was fine because I had changed the Air Filter. When I dis-connected the elbow from the carb, I would just twist it around and out of my way so I could get the carb off. This time I dis-connected the elbow from the air cleaner and I found in the end of it, what I later found out to be a restricter plate. It was lodged in the hose sideways. I pulled it out, put it back in the end of the Air Filter container, re-installed the carb and it runs like a champ. I have been through many "forums", looked through all of the parts diagrams that I have found on the net, and no where does it show this "restricter plate". I hope this will help someone else in the future who may have this problem.
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2001 will idle but not run
Im having the same issue. Whats the restritor plate look like?
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2001 will idle but not run
THere should be some way to make some big blinking sticky about the restrictor on the Kaw 290D (and maybe other engines). Over the years a couple people have posted here about tearing their hair out tracking down a bad running engine only to discover a missing restrictor or something goofy like a mouse having chewed the restrictor opening larger. Seems weird the engine is that finicky about the area of the restrictor opening.
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