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oil pressure switch engine start
I have a 6x4 gator that when you turn on the ignition key, the oil lite on the dash does't come on, and the engine won't crank. If I ground the wire going to the oil pressure switch to the frame, the oil pressure switch light comes on and the engine cranks and the light stays on, but the engine runs great. What does this mean? Thanks, Steve
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oil pressure switch engine start
Does your fuel pump run when you turn the ign to run without the oil pressure light grounded? If not,try grounding the black wire going to the pump and see if it will start.
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oil pressure switch engine start
everything works, but the oil light stays on even if the wire isn't attached to the oil pressure switch but grounded. What does the oil switch do?
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oil pressure switch engine start
The oil pressure switch reacts to oil pressure. When the motor builds up oil pressure the switch opens up and breaks the ground connection and the light goes out. If there isn't enough pressure to open up the switch, the light will stay on after starting. The switch could possibly be bad or your oil pressure could be low or the oil pump could have locked up. I would start with a new switch.
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oil pressure switch engine start
That makes the most sense. I'll start trying to run down a new oil pressure sensor. I guess if that one is bad, when I plug the wire to it, the light doesn't come on, and it won't crank because it's locked closed????? I wonder if it's coincidence that it went out when the clip jarred loose from it????? If you can think of anything else, please let me know; God knows I can't afford $75 per hour, and I don't want to ruin something. Thanks, Steve
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