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John Deere Gator HPX Alternator Repair
I have a 2007 4X4 HPX with a kawasaki (KAXS617)engine. The charging system is not working. Where is the alternator and how do I remove it so I can have it checked?
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John Deere Gator HPX Alternator Repair
While I'm not very familiar with that engine or the Gator, I do know my way around a small engine a little.
I'd be very surprised if a small engine like that had anything but a charging coil under the flywheel. The flywheel contains magnets that provide the means of both inducing a spark and giving off power to (not very well IMHO) charge a battery.
Best of luck.
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John Deere Gator HPX Alternator Repair
I can see the starter and solenoid on the left side of the engine but no alternator. JD lists an alternator on their part page and the dealer said $400+ for a new one. The dealer said he could access the service info but if I wanted it I would have to buy a manual. The service manual(TM2195) is $135 printed or $65 for a CD.It seems a little pricy to me.
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John Deere Gator HPX Alternator Repair
I did more research and it looks like you are correct.
I went on the Kawasaki website and looked at their parts. It shows a coil,charging located inside the flywheel. I went back to the same JD parts catalog and looked up coil and guess what-it shows the same picture as the Kawaski website. No wonder I couldn't find an alternator. Evidently the model Gator I have doesn't have one.
Thanks for the help!
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John Deere Gator HPX Alternator Repair
the HPX does not have an Alternator like a car attached to a drive belt standard - it has the coil. You can purchase an HD alternator, which I have, that has a belt and pulley that connects to the main flywheel. Just get a new coil from JD or Kawasaki, unless you need more AMPS for charging your battery.
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