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 10-15-2012, 12:33 Post: 185172

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 Deisel Gator smokey- please help

I have a 2006 HPX with about 1300 hrs that has had many different operators and maintained below par. Recently it has had problems starting, and when it does start, it is very smokey and rough and when the accelerator is stepped on, the engine RPM does not increase. After 20 seconds or so, the smoke clears up and the engine calms down and runs normally until somebody runs it long enough to over heat the thing. I have a good guess of whats going on but I would love some input before I lead anybody down the wrong road of diagnosis.

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 10-15-2012, 14:10 Post: 185173

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 Deisel Gator smokey- please help

My guess is head gasket, cracked head or cracked block. I've seen the blocks crack down inside the cylinder wall. If it's a head gasket be sure to get the head trued before installing a new gasket. If you are blowing compression into the coolant, it should show up as pressure in the expansion tank or radiator. I know it can blow the top of the radiator off if it gets bad enough. The start up smoke is probably coolant being burned off that seeped into the combustion chamber after the motor was shut off. This would explain the lack of power since the air/fuel mixture would be contaminated at first and then as the coolant gets burned off the air/fuel mix becomes more normal and the power comes back. Can't have too much water in there though, that causes bent/broken rods.

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 10-15-2012, 21:11 Post: 185177

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 Deisel Gator smokey- please help

You say it's "smokey" but don't say what colour or how much smoke there is.

Kind of like saying you're 'sick' but not giving the doctor a description of any symptoms.

Does it crank much before catching? Is it losing coolant or oil? Is fuel consumption norm or has it gone up? Once it runs normal does it have less power than normal?

Kinda reminds me of the joke about the elderly fella, good Christian, worked hard at farming his whole life, never made much money, not hardly enough to retire but too busted up and long in the tooth to keep farming. Decides to go to church every day and spends hours praying every single day, always the same thing .... "Dear Lord, I'm a good Christian down on my luck, could you find it in your Grace to send a winning lottery ticket my way?"

After months of this the old-timer stops on the steps of the church, looks up and says "Lord, why won't you give me a winning lottery ticket?"

The clouds part, a small beam of light appears shining directly on the old man and a voice from above asks "Where do you buy your lottery tickets?"

Astounded and in awe of this the man is barely able to utter "I... I...... I don't buy lottery tickets."

To which the voice from above replies "you dont buy tickets!? I don't mind 'helping' a little, but do you think you can at least work with me a little bit here?"

Best of luck.

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 10-15-2012, 21:59 Post: 185179

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 Deisel Gator smokey- please help

Originally Posted by Murf | view 185177
...Kinda reminds me of the joke about the elderly fella, good Christian, worked hard at farming his whole life, never made much money, not hardly enough to retire but too busted up and long in the tooth to keep farming...... but do you think you can at least work with me a little bit here?" Best of luck.

Nicely put!

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 10-16-2012, 08:54 Post: 185181

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 Deisel Gator smokey- please help

Sorry guys, but I have already taken all the information to my boss with my own ideas, and I wanted to be able to give you guys limited information and then throw out you own thoughts and arrive at the same conclusion. Gatoraider helped quite a bit when he mentioned the coolant cap problem (my machine is blowing the cap) so now I can go to my boss and say "This guy arrived at the same conclusion, and I didnt mention to him that it was blowing out coolant with a cold block." Now that I have that- here is the rest: The machine does lose power after the engine gets to about half of its RPM's. This machine sees constant engine on and offs... probably 15-20 cycles per day. Like I mentioned, it has 1300 hours on it, but I noticed today that the hour meter is busted, and I'm not sure when. It could have as many as 1500 hours.

Heres another question... maybe better for the dealership to answer but I will ask anyway: If I am replacing this engine, can I swap it out for a gas engine or am I replacing everything else in that compartment (clutch, muffler,alternator, etc.?)

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 10-16-2012, 09:56 Post: 185182

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 Deisel Gator smokey- please help

Things to think about if changing from diesel to gas. Frame/motor mounts, wire harness,gas tank/fuel system,drive clutch, muffler, alternator are all different. I know I forgot something. Not an advisable swap.

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Discussion Boards > Active Subjects > Messages as Posted > John Deere Gator Forum

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