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2006 620i Gator Fuel Pump Issues
My fuel pump on my 620i Gator continues to run loudly when the engine is running. It comes on with the key for the prime and stops but goes right back on and continues to run after the engine starts. Talking to my local JDD mechanic who services both our 3520 and the Gator, he figured the filter was clogged reducing the pressure and triggering the pump to keep running. There's no in-tank filter and I replaced the inline today but didn't fix the problem. So I guess next is the pressure regulator or fuel pump; any ideas?
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2006 620i Gator Fuel Pump Issues
It looks like there are two filters according to Deere parts web site. An AM107314 which is an in line small filter down close to the tank and the one that you probably replaced. I would look for the other one.
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2006 620i Gator Fuel Pump Issues
I'm looking at the parts on-line page for the 620i, Gator 1 and Fuel and Air and can't see the other one;
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2006 620i Gator Fuel Pump Issues
If you go to deereparts.com and sign in, go to gator then xuv 620I then filter, fuel in alphabetical index you will see that the large filter on the frame rail is an AM117584 and the small one #28 on the page is an AM107314.It looks to be very close to the intake side of the fuel pump.
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2006 620i Gator Fuel Pump Issues
Well I'll be darned. I never saw that. OK, new other filter time and I'll post back. Gosh I hope this works.
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2006 620i Gator Fuel Pump Issues
Looked at the Gator again today, fuel filter in hand and saw... n o fuel filter. The line runs from the manifold back to the fuel filter I already replaced, to the fuel pump, to a line of the other end that disappears into the frame rail and presumably in to the tank. My only investigative choice at this time is go through the laborious jog of removing everything over the tank, seats, everything, and see if there's another filter in that space or in the tank. If not, I'll just replace the pump and hop[e for the best.
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