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Looking to buy Utility Vehicle is JD Gator Best buy
I am considering the purchase of a used JD Gator. I have my home on 12 acres of land and need something to cart around my stuff -- tools, dirt, sand, flowers etc. I think I might be influenced by the Gator's looks -- I think they are pretty sharp looking. But this attraction to the Gator's appearance, might be doing me in by not considering other Ulitity vehicles.
Can anyone comment on the Gator for my application? What other brands should I consider? Do the Gators handle well? How about their upkeep? And if I do purchase an used Gator, what should I be concerned with? Are there some common problems I should be aware of. What might be the hour limit? Thanks.
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Looking to buy Utility Vehicle is JD Gator Best buy
Greeting from New Zealand. We live in a very remote and mountainous part of the country. I bought a 6X4 Gator in very poor condition a couple of years ago and completely rebuilt it. It now gets used almost daily for carting everything from building materials to firewood to sheep, and frankly I couldn't do without it. I've put a decent winch on it with a wireless remote and I've also installed a one kilowatt sine-wave inverter which occasionally comes in very handy. Some other non-standard accessories include a fire extinguisher, a drink bottle and a first-aid kit. The Gator has a low centre of gravity and will carry large loads relatively safely and go places where most ATVs wouldn't.
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Looking to buy Utility Vehicle is JD Gator Best buy
It is hard to give a specific comment without knowing what model you are looking at.
I have owned three different models, the original 4 X 2, an HPX, and an XUV. Each had their good and bad points.
The original 4 X 2 was a good dependable machine, kind of slow on the road but easy to load with the lower box bed. With the standard lawnmower style tread you are stuck in almost no mud at all, a different tread style might help, I don't know.
The HPX was a carbureted machine that was a bear to start unless a diesel, I'd steer clear.
The XUV, a much better machine with fuel injection, it starts every time just like your car, no choke to mess with. A faster road speed is a good point too. If you have any difficult conditions a four wheel drive is almost a must.
Every body and their brother is building a Gator type machine now, some may be better I don't know, Gators are all I ever owned. If I needed another one it definitely would be a Gator.
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Looking to buy Utility Vehicle is JD Gator Best buy
Thanks Guys.
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