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Removed part reinstalled and now gator cx won t start
A friend removed the part in the picture that is labeled "A", I don't know what it is called, but it is a plate with a shaft connected to it. Reinstalled and now the engine won't start, its like something is getting stuck and not allowing it to turn. Is there a certain way this part must be installed?
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Removed part reinstalled and now gator cx won t start
You have removed the crankshaft balance guide. If you put it back correctly it should be fine but it sounds to me as though you have broken the guide which is only a ally pin and not very strong. Do not run the engine!! Remove the guide and see if it is in one piece. The cover plate and large pin (around 25mm diameter and 40mm long) should slide out in one piece. It's possible you will find you have broken it off where it is joined to the cover plate. If it has, no sweat, new one is cheap.
If it is not broken, you may not have inserted it into the crankshaft balance weight which can slide underneath the crank. Take the engine out , remove the cover and pin and look inside, you should be able to see the weight and line it up to reinsert it into the weight.
If all else fails, strip the engine, it's such an easy engine to strip. If you need more help, shout.
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Removed part reinstalled and now gator cx won t start
Its not broken, the shaft is connected to the plate. Is there anyway to line it back up without removing the engine?
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Removed part reinstalled and now gator cx won t start
Yes, the counter balance should swing freely below the engine so you will have to take the engine out so you can tilt it so that the hole is directly underneath the engine, in the vehicle I guess you would say it's at seven o'clock as needing it to be at six o'clock, make sense?
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Removed part reinstalled and now gator cx won t start
OK thanks for the info, hopefully this will fix the issue.
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Removed part reinstalled and now gator cx won t start
Yes, the counter balance should swing freely below the engine so you will have to take the engine out so you can tilt it so that the hole is directly underneath the engine, in the vehicle I guess you would say it's at seven o'clock as needing it to be at six o'clock, make sense?
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