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JD CX Gator 2X4 2004
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum. I have a 2004 JD Gator CX 2X4. It worked fine till I got a flat back tire and I started it and drove it 10ft into my garage. I jacked it up removed the flat tire and replaced it with a new tire. I then started it and put it in reverse but it did not move, I then tried it in forward and it still would not move. It runs fine.
Could someone give me some advice on what could be wrong with it??
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JD CX Gator 2X4 2004
I'd probably start by looking at the drive belt and making sure it's in good shape and doesn't have anything slippery on it like oil.
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JD CX Gator 2X4 2004
I would probably discount the tyre change. Start by putting gearbox in neutral and take off the handbrake, can you push the machine forwards and backwards? If yes then you know the handbrake isn't locked on. If no, then look at the handbrake. They are extremely efficient and if still on for some reason will not let you drive off.
If you can push it forward and back. Start the engine and with the deck up watch the drive belt when you accelerate the engine. Is it trying it turning the drive into the gearbox? If yes, then you have a gearbox problem. If no, then stop the engine and look at the belt, is it damp with oil or damaged?
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JD CX Gator 2X4 2004
Sorry, should have added:
If the input drive into the gearbox is turning, look at your gearbox lever into the gear box which gives you forward, neautral, reverse. Is this connected onto the gearbox properly and turning the shaft into the gearbox? Be carful about moving this if you have the engine running and are leaning over the engine!
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JD CX Gator 2X4 2004
I'm assuming you took jack/blocking out from under. I've made that mistake a few times. Does shifter feel normal. I'm not familiar with your particular model, but I'd check, after following above suggestions, to see if by jacking the rig up, you bent or jammed shift linkage, or possibly crushed the cable (if there is one), that actuates linkage. Or that the brakes are free-rocking in neutral also good advice. Jacking may have jammed park brake or service brake on.
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JD CX Gator 2X4 2004
Hi, thanks for the reply I've already checked for any slippery oil on the belt and it's completely dry and clean of any oil.
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JD CX Gator 2X4 2004
I've done stupid stuff like this before so take no offense- you're sure the key on the axle shaft didn't fall off when reinstalling the wheel? Without that the axle would just spin in the wheel in drive and the rubber axle end cap would hide that . Put the Diff lock on and see if it goes.
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JD CX Gator 2X4 2004
Thanks everyone who answered my call for help. You were absolutely right Gatormaki I had dropped the square key into the jack and when I moved the jack it fell on the cement floor. I repositioned the square key and put the tire back on and it now works great. THANK YOU.
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