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HPX Carb
My recent Gator purchase suffers from the throttle issue, press the gas to the floor and stall. If you go easy with some choke, she will take off. Less of a problem when warmed up. New plugs, filter, fuel, still same issue. I increased idle speed, better but not right. I plan a rebuild, question is, What jets should it have for Ct? Is there a way to test the carb heater?. Does anyone know of a carb source cheaper than JD?
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HPX Carb
I can only give a generic suggestion regarding your symptoms. I have found that in cases like this it's almost always the idle circuit. Emission controlled carbs typically have limited or no idle mixture adjustment. The jet ,which draws fuel at idle, tends to be the smallest functional orifice on the whole machine, and one of the most important for driveability. On my girl's Yamaha 90, the idle jet could only be cleaned by running one strand of a piece of electrical wire through. Carb cleaner and air were not quite enough. This happened whenever the bike sat for more than a few weeks. When it was restricted, the symptoms were identical. A good fuel filter might help prevent this in the future, but higher water ratios in the fuel cause corrosion issues regardless. Ethanol in fuel will absorb more water than gas without it. You shouldn't need any parts if carb comes out and apart without damage to gaskets. Just a good cleaning.
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HPX Carb
Think your carb needs cleaning. Try to avoid ethanol in it.
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HPX Carb
let me add more details, our gator was like that and I tried Sea Foam and maybe something else with no success. Had to have carb taken off and cleaned.
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