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CX Choke Revisited
I need to reopen the choke issue started by “badnova”. I, also, am having a problem with my 2005 CX.
This will be a little long, but want to include all I can. My CX sat for five (5) months and now it will only idle smoothly with the choke pulled ½ closed. It ran fine before putting in storage. It is searching with the governor without the choke. It runs fine above idle and at full speed without the choke. I thought something in the idle circuit. I pulled the spark plug and it looks like the engine is running very lean.
I noticed that the idle mixture screw had a stop on it and would only allow ¾ of a turn, which didn't help anything. I sawed the tab off and adjusting full in and out, doesn't change anything either. “Yes”, the restrictor bushing is in the air filter intake. If I hold the choke ¼ to ½ closed, the engine will idle fine, with no searching from the governor. However, the engine will NOT rev up with the choke. When I rev it up without the choke it runs fine and governor holds it steady.
I pulled the idle jet out and ran the engine without it in place. There was NO change in idle condition with or without it. I then removed the carb for cleaning. The float bowl had plenty of fuel in it. Idle jet has a #40 and main has a #90 on them. There was NO visible dirt in the float bowl. I used a spray can of carb cleaner thru all the holes and ports followed by compressed air. I checked the very small holes in the air-horn with tag wire and they are open. Reassembled, remounted carb and NO change to my problem.
I, too, noticed, like “badnova”, that the idle jet appears to have a plug in the carb end of the jet and holes on the sides of it. On closer inspection, with a magnifying glass, I can see a very small dimple in the center of the jet plug. The smallest wire I have is .015” and it will not go thru. So, is there a hole thru the plug or not?
Thank you, for any replies.
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CX Choke Revisited
Wish I was technical enough to answer as you stated your case but in my terms: most likely issue with ethanol. Our Gator will do same thing as yours when we use ethanol. We had carbs cleaned out on it and a Kohler lawnmower motor about same time and have used only full gas since which has helped. However the Kohler is now showing some of same issue. Might now have run it enough to be sure Saturday. I tried Seafoam at heavy ratios and another cleaner and nothing worked other than have shop clean the carbs. kt
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CX Choke Revisited
There is a hole and it takes care of the air/fuel mix from idle to 1/4 throttle. You can hold the jet in the bend of your finger and try to plug all the holes in the stem but the one closest to the threads and squirt gum cutter thru that hole and you should get a good stream out the small hole in the end. You need the little plastic pipe connection on the nozzle of the can and you need to cover the hole in the jet with the end of that plastic pipe. If you site down the throat of the carb you will see a small opening on the side of the throat that may or may not have a jet in it. If you follow that line the next thing is the pilot jet that we are talking about and finally the air screw that controls the mixture. The pilot jet gets air thru the small hole, the air goes thru the holes in the sides of the jet and comes out the small hole in the end. That small dimple on the end of the jet provides a surface for the jet to seal when you screw it in, the jet has no path to outside air.
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CX Choke Revisited
Thanks for the replies,
The good news is that it is now idling without the governor searching 
I pulled the carb again, removed all parts that I could and soaked the carb and parts in a vessel filled with Berrymans B12 fuel cleaner. I then agitated the mix with a low volume of air. Soaked overnight and agitated again. I did notice some dirt it the solution after cleaning. Blew all parts and holes with compressed air.
I can now adjust the low speed circuit screw and make it stumble in and out. I then took it for a ride at high speed (yea, don't race anyone) and all is well.
I will be draining the carb before next storage period and adding Stabilizer to the tank.
Thanks Again, Tom
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CX Choke Revisited
first thing I'd do is cover up about 3/4 of the plastic air intake about 75% with scotch packing (or other) tape, if that cures your problem, it's probably the 50 cent plastic restricter that's fell out or not there for whatever reason. I spent about 300 dollars on parts i didn't need because of that silly thing. I've got a new carb i'll sell somebody cheap if they need it, or even THINK they need it 
I was too determined to fix it to slowdown and actually analyze (accurately) what was happening. The carb did need cleaning though.
My travails are in the thread started by mrmopar
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