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07 4x2 gator jumps as the accelerator is pushed
I'm sure somewhere on this site my question has been asked and answered but i can't locate it so i will ask again. I put the gator in gear and push on the accelerator the rpms increase and the gator jumps forward and then goes. I was looking for a smoother start Seems like the clutch is sticking and then releases all at once instead of a smooth transition. Is there a easy fix or a cleaning fix or... thanks for any help
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07 4x2 gator jumps as the accelerator is pushed
I've had a 6x4 Gator for 15 years, mine just started doing the same thing. It's been too cold here in Maine to take things apart in an unheated garage, might go to 50 today, I'll check under the bed to see if my belt is tearing.
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07 4x2 gator jumps as the accelerator is pushed
We have six utvs. Only the Mules seem to engage smoothly. Our new Deere 550 is the worst offender. I have found that easing into the accelerator very slowly seems to help. It only has about 100 hrs and has been this way since new. Our old diesel gator 6x4 jumps too, especially with the responsive torquey Yanmar engine. If your gator is a gas engine, sometimes a valve adjustment can help. This may sound odd, but if the valves are a little too tight, or even in spec on the tight side, the engine can be more sensitive to initial accelerator movement. Also harder to start. I tend to run valves this way for better performance, but some of my peers, with just as much experience, will always set to the loose side of the spec. This is actually safer for the valves, as it's when the exhaust valve is fully seated that it can transfer heat to the cylinder head. But I digress. If your clutches are not actuating smoothly, a rebuild might be in order. It's a bit of a pain, but keeping them in shape with small wear parts might avoid total replacement down the road. I'm eager to see other suggestions too.
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07 4x2 gator jumps as the accelerator is pushed
I too have a 4 X 6 Gator that jumps when you press the accelerator. I was advised to send the clutch out to be rebuilt however my local John Deere dealer no longer does that because they say the time in labor to rebuild a clutch is comparable to a new one so I have been advised to replace my clutch. ( I believe the secondary one.) Does this make sense to anyone? Thank you. - Robert
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07 4x2 gator jumps as the accelerator is pushed
I confess to having purchased a new clutch for our 6x4 gator, as I destroyed the original one removing it. Had to pull it off in pieces. I also just finished rebuilding a Polaris 6x6 drive (both clutches) It is a rather time-consuming affair, but if you can do the work yourself it saves over the cost of new. Probably not for someone inexperienced. Having said all that, there are some small wear pieces which are relatively inexpensive and pretty easy to change if you can remove and partially disassemble the clutches. Changing them can make the system operate more smoothly.
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07 4x2 gator jumps as the accelerator is pushed
Thank you - Robert
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