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07 4x2 gator kawa motor Wheres the water coming from
Ok so In the oil fill tube (dip stick tube) along the inside wall and on the upper part of the dip stick there is a milky white sludge (Water?) the oil itself is clear. Condensation during the wet winter months? Anyone got any ideas or can some reason be confirmed. Thanks
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07 4x2 gator kawa motor Wheres the water coming from
It's most likely water or anti-freeze. It could be winter condensation as you surmised, or it could be natural condensation from combustion if you ran the engine several times recently for brief periods without letting it get fully warmed up. Or it could be a leaking head gasket. (You don't want the latter.) In any case, it's water or anti-freeze emulsified with the oil.
I'd change the oil and run it a few times, monitoring carefully for the occurrence of more sludge. If more occurs, you're probably looking at a leaking head gasket; if not, be happy.
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07 4x2 gator kawa motor Wheres the water coming from
Thanks for your response Mr. miller. condensation would be a better guess as its my understanding the Kawasaki is a air cooled motor. Also the motor is running fine at this time
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07 4x2 gator kawa motor Wheres the water coming from
I just finished reading a post by gatoraider from nov of 2010. in that tread which is similar to mine the problem was condensation.He also mentioned that different oil types could create more or less condensation. I just recently changed the oil using a 15-40 delo 400el. As gatoraiders responses have helped my past problems with this gator, i again yield to his wisdom.
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07 4x2 gator kawa motor Wheres the water coming from
I would second replies re: condensation. I've seen it many times. Air-cooled engines in particular will run hot enough to boil water out of the oil. I'd run it for a few minutes and then look at dipstick again. If oil remains clear, you should be fine. Was there also goop on the filler cap? This stuff does tend to accumulate towards top of the engine.
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