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ProGator 2020 - Raising the dump bed
I have a ProGator 2020. The dump bed is down and I need to raise it to service the engine. The oil has been drained from the engine, so I can't start the engine to raise the bed. How can I raise the dump bed without the engine running? I was considering having someone hold the dump lever in the 'down' position while lifting the bed with the bucket on my tractor. My thinking is the lift cylinder could suck hydraulic oil from the tank as the bed was being raised. Is this a solution or is there a better way?
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ProGator 2020 - Raising the dump bed
I'm not familiar with your particular model Gator, but most of the side-by-sides with a power dump, with the exception of the hydrostatic Kubotas, use an electric screw jack instead of a hydraulic cylinder. If that is the case on your machine, don't try to force the bed up. It may work just with the ignition turned on and engine off. On most of these units, it's pretty easy to remove the bolt at the top or bottom of the actuator. Watch hands and fingers incase it drops a bit. Once this bolt is removed, it should be OK to raise the bed manually. You shouldn't need a loader or anything. be sure to prop and/or strap the bed up while you complete service.
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ProGator 2020 - Raising the dump bed
Trainpilot - Thank you for your reply. I wish your suggestions would work on the 2020 ProGator. The dump bed is fully hydraulic and only raises with the engine running and powering the hydraulic system. Running the engine without oil is not a good idea and I need to raise the bed to put oil in the engine. With the bed down, the pins attaching the hydraulic cylinder to the bed are inaccessible. I'm still hoping to find a simple and safe method of raising the cargo bed.
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ProGator 2020 - Raising the dump bed
Problem solved! I raised the cargo bed with my tractor front end loader. The lever for lowering the bed was held open as the bed was raised very slowly to allow the lift cylinder to draw hydraulic fluid from the tank as the bed was raised. Once oil was added to the engine, the cargo bed was lower and raised successfully using the engine and hydraulic system. I'm not sure this is a 'John Deere approved" method, but it worked.
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ProGator 2020 - Raising the dump bed
Then I would suggest cracking the hydraulic line to cylinder. If there's only one line going to it (single acting-power up/gravity down) loosening the line will let you pull up bed as you describe letting air into cylinder. You'll need to bleed it after you get engine going, but if you let it back down and tighten hose(-es) before starting, you shouldn't get much air into cylinder. I wish I could say with certainty that your suggested method wouldn't do any damage, but I'd be tempted to give it a try. Just don't pull up too hard on bed, as most of the brackets and such are really only designed to handle a load in lifting direction. If lowering valve works with engine off, you should be fine. I'd probably use a strap that would break before anything bends. Let us know result.
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ProGator 2020 - Raising the dump bed
You must have been working as I was typing. Thanks for letting us know. Glad you had a good result.
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