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1996 gator 4X2 smoking wire and no spark
Good afternoon Gentleman. I'm new here so I hope yall can help. I'm working on a friends Gator for him. I'm pretty mechanically inclined, however, I don't have the wiring schematic for this and need it.
Here is the serial number...not even sure what year it is
This has no spark. Also, on the starter solenoid there is a black wire on the battery cable side, that comes off and branches off into two. One wire goes up, jumps through the lights on the dash and to the ignition switch, and the other part is the voltage regulator I believe, or the little silver box on top of the engine. This wire starts smoking the second the battery is connected. I cut the wire going forward to the igntion switch, and left other attached and the smoking stopped.
Ignition switch does not turn over the engine, however by jumping it out directly to the batter I can get it to turn over. Is there a fusible link or fuse between power and the ignition switch?
I have no spark. I put my tester on it and tried various jumpers and haven't gotten it.
So....I need spark back, key switch to work, and black wire to stop smoking.
Thanks in advance guys. If any of yall are in Russellville, AR....I'll buy ya a beer.
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1996 gator 4X2 smoking wire and no spark
The wire you are talking about is a ground wire and should never have voltage. It is the ground for the lights in the dash and goes thru the ignition switch so you can ground the coil and shut the motor off with the switch. If you had power in the wire you could have fried the ignitor and the coil too. I think you need a tech manual. It is TM1518. There are at least two of them on ebay now under John Deere gator.
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1996 gator 4X2 smoking wire and no spark
That's exactly what I was thinking. The guy who had this thing said someone else tried messing with it. Looks like he put a new starter solenoid on it and put the wires back on wrong. Do you have a wiring diagram by chance? I'll look into that tech manual. Thanks.
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1996 gator 4X2 smoking wire and no spark
I have diagrams in books. There was a post on here that had a link to a site that had the manual available for download. I have no idea when it was posted. Maybe someone out there knows.
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1996 gator 4X2 smoking wire and no spark
I have diagrams in books. There was a post on here that had a link to a site that had the manual available for download. I have no idea when it was po ...
Dies anyone have that manual?
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