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how to get rid of a snake
I used to run over the garter snakes I came across when mowing. Now I leave them alone since they do a nice job of eating insects. Same for the barn swallows and the mess they make. If you can do it, try relocation. I couldn't. I hate snakes and won't touch them alive or dead. A 12 ga shotgun works for me. You may want to try the repellant so it moves further away, yet still can eat critters close to your house.
You should have seen our techs when they went to fix a home test unit (I work for an appliance manufacturer) that broke. Control board was fried. When they took it apart, an 18" bull snake fell out. Looked for warmth and committed suicide by crossing contacts with it's body. Some were a bit freaked out by it even though it was dead.
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how to get rid of a snake
Snakes are a problem for us too, golf courses are definitely high on the 'best places to live list' for snakes. Lots of food, sunshine and shelter in the rough.
Mark has it pretty well nailed, relocate them, or send them to meet their maker.
We find making them little 'snake friendly areas' away from the public helps some, but some snakes are just too persistent for their own good. If you can make the garden less attractive to them, and offer them an alternative it might work. If not the shovel certainly does.
I'm told that since snakes depend a lot on their sense of smell (taste?) they are very alert to danger from smells left by predators. If you have a dog try encouraging it to leave it's scent in the garden, a regular sprinkle might make the snake think this a poor location for survival.
Personally, I have a Jack Russell terrier (terror?) and snakes are on their 'mortal enemies' list, along with squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, skunks and feral cats.
Best of luck.
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how to get rid of a snake
We have two hunting beagles and their mortal enemy list goes something like this:
1) Satisfy BOTH conditions
a)Smaller than 2x my size
b)Must be non-dog
Of course you see his leads to a LOT of mortal enemies, snakes included.
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how to get rid of a snake
trbomax, the product you are looking for is called "Snake-Away". You should be able to get it at a good hardware store, gardening store, or pest control company.
Regards, Mike.
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how to get rid of a snake
You are right, you WILL NOT have a rodent problem if you have a couple of black snakes around. Also you will not have a poisonous snake problem either. Check the laws some non-poisonous snakes are illegal to kill to the tune of 10 years and 100K. Otherwise catch and relocate.
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