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Here I go again, looking to learn from you guy's experience. This isn't exactly a tractor question except in that ever since I got my tiller my planned vegetable garden keeps on getting bigger and bigger. What do you guys with large vegetable gardens do about irrigation? Relying on precipitation isn't really an option during the East Texas summer. I have a water well close to the garden so getting unlimited water isn't really a problem but what kind of system have you used or seen used because hanging on the end of a hose for hours during the summer heat isn't my idea of fun. I intend to set the rows up about 3' apart so I can still get the walk behind tiller between them. At present it is about 7,000 square feet but as I said, it's still growing.
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Frank, I know what you mean about hanging on the end of a hose in the heat, but that's what I do. My garden's about 9,000 square feet, I plant the rows 4' apart, and I water with one of the high volume, low pressure wands on the hose and just walk up and down the rows. It serves a couple of purposes: (1) I water right in the row, not between the rows, so I use less water - I'm having to buy mine, and (2) not watering between the rows keeps down the grass and weeds. A neighbor has a pump and line from one of his stock tanks, so he just uses a sprinkler; one of those with the spike that sticks in the ground and the sprinkler head on top is about 2 feet off the ground. Problem is that he grows as much grass as anything else in his garden.
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Yea, I think I'll just have to get out the old pencil and paper and see if I can design a system with a timer, PVC pipe and soaker hoses. Should be fun. I could use sprinklers but like you I'd rather put the water where it's needed. The only problem I've found is that during the summer varmits will chew through the soaker hoses to try to get to the water. There has to be a good, efficient way to do this, I just have to give it some more thought.
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I ran 1" Poly pipe to my 10,000 sq ft gargen. I ran three rows of sprinklers, one down the middle, trenched 14" deep so the tiller won't interfere. It comes on every other morning and drenches everything. I've got about $200 in it. We use leaves from the previous Fall to mulch everything, so not many weeds between rows. But I do admit to the water waste. I might add that we have lots of these leaves. I cut them up and vacume them with my JD 4300. We usually have enough leaves to fill a 1500 cubic foot area.
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I use crazy pipe. You can buy it a Home Depot, etc I got mine at a irrigation supply house its alot better for the holes don't stop up as bad. Its real cheep and saves a ton on water. the conectors cost pennys. Its flex 12 pipe soits easy to hook up to a solid pipe. Its above ground and is held in place by hand push staples 4' long 250 ft roll was like $16.00 you can move it after the season and reuse it next year. Its what all the farmers use locally for drip farming
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This sounds exactly what I need for my garden. Could you supply a link or more information on this Crazy Pipe?
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