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 06-29-2001, 13:18 Post: 29715
Kevin Squires

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 irrigation implement

Does anyone know if there is such a thing as PTO irrigation pump? I need to water a few acres that DO NOT have access to electricity. I have a pond close by but need some way to get the water out of the pond and onto the grass seed (future pasture). I looked for gas powered pumps to rent and would like to look into a PTO driven pump. The pump needs to connect to a sprinkler head. Any ideas?

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 06-29-2001, 17:06 Post: 29719
Paul Fox

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Abso-tootly. I use one to irrigate my garden, from Ace pumps, set up for a 540 PTO. Works slicker than a smelt. Only problem I have is I need to filter the intake a little better, as the sprinkler heads tend to clog of with pond scum. Check 'em out at www.acepumps.com

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 06-30-2001, 09:47 Post: 29725

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Northern Tool also carries a small PTO pump.

Link:   Click Here 

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 07-02-2001, 08:45 Post: 29762

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 irrigation implement

I have been looking for a unit to water my 3 acre lawn. Most roller type pumps that I have seen, appear to be designed for a sprayer, not sprinkler heads. Maybe someone can verify how much area can be sprinkled using using one of these as I would be interested to know as well. I did find this website, they have a unit that comes with a pump, hoses,sprinkler head, and tripod for $1395. I haven't spoken to anyone that is using it so I can't testify how well it works.

Link:   Click Here 

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 07-02-2001, 09:08 Post: 29763
Paul Fox

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The unit I have is a centrifugal pump, rated (I think) at about 80 GPM. I have run about 250' of 1-1/2" black PVC, and run four racheting sprinkers in my garden. It seems to have plenty of reserve for that, but I don't know about three acres worth. Pressure would be more of an issue than volume, I should think.

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 07-02-2001, 14:06 Post: 29771

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Best explanation of sprinkler irrigation I've found is in "Sprinkler Irrigation Systems" ISBN 0-89373-077-7. It covers everything from pump power curves to small sprinkler systems to large travelling irrigation guns.

Some of the irrigation companies also have helpful information in their printed catalogs. Try Zimmerman Irrigation, 800-452-5699, www.trickl-eez.com; Schumacher Irrigation, 402-246-3685, www.schumacherirrigation.com; and DripWorks, 800-522-3747.

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 02-18-2002, 08:13 Post: 35692

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I found this site the other day, with hydraulic driven pumps for irrigation systems. Just another idea rather than a PTO pump.

Link:   Hydraulic water pumps 

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 03-02-2002, 13:40 Post: 36003
Harry B.
2002-03-02 00:00:00
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 irrigation implement

Unless you plan on pumping a lot of water, using a tractor PTO to drive the pump is not very efficient. A 5 HP pump can put out a lot of water using 1 1/2" PVC pipe. Lowes sells 1 1/2" PVC pipe for $38/100'. You can expect 20-25 gpm with 1 1/2" PVC before you see any sufficient pressure drop. Most sprinklers only put out 6 gpm. If you need a high pressure pump, the IPT pump carried by Northern Tool is hard to beat at 70 psi output. They also carry a two-stage pump made in Australia that has 125 psi output.
First you should calculate on paper the number of sprinklers that you plan to run, length of pipe and pressure drop, uphill pressure drop and the time required to cover the area with 1" of water. Then you will see the economics of your system plus save gas and maybe wear and tear on your tractor.

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 08-06-2002, 21:42 Post: 41032

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Paul, noticed your comment about needing to filter out the scum and algae better. You might take a look at this site. I see them used frequently here in N. Minnesota for pumping from lakes to irrigate.

Link:   Click Here 

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 08-07-2002, 06:09 Post: 41035
Paul Fox

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Cool! That's just what I've been looking for. Thanks for the link. Haven't had to water the garden yet this year, we've been luck with the rains, but August is a long month!

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