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 09-17-2005, 02:46 Post: 116549

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 How deep irrigation lines

After going back a reading a few comments about the PVC pipe vs the rolls of pipe. I strongly agree that the standard lengths of schedule 40 lengths of pipe are a better way to go with the exception of running pipe down a well. Standard PVC pipe will become brittle with age and if you are not VERY experienced in pulling the pipe and pump up out of the well casing and maintaining a constant minimum 20' arc in the air with the PVC pipe; you can pretty well bank on broken pieces of well pipe. The rolls of PVC pipe are MUCH more flexible and remain so over the years so that if by chance you must pull up the pump out of the well for replacement or maintenance; there is little to no chance of breaking the pipe. Add to this the fact that the attention that must be paid to the pump safety rope is much less and the roll pipe is a not brainer. Repairing the the broken lengths of standard PVC pipe while pulling the well pump is not that big of a deal but can be a bit time consuming if the pipe becomes particularly brittle. The worst case scenario is that the pvc pipe breaks while pulling up the pump and you have "butter fingers" on the pump safety rope. I haven't lost a pump (knock on wood) but ask me how I know about keeping a constant 20' arc on the pvc pipe and repairing the breaks! Trying to fish the pump of a well after the pipe has broken and the safety rope has snapped is a Murphy's Law disaster! No offense or intended relation Murf! ;O)

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 09-19-2005, 08:59 Post: 116618

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 How deep irrigation lines

Randy, no offence taken, however I'm afraid the "intended relation" was there loooooong before we became acquainted.

Best of luck.

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