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Yes, this does go under "angry and pointless" cause I am angry and this is pointless. My problem. Ive been sick as hell for 4-5 months. It started a year ago, can't eat onions anymore, then it progressed to, "if I eat anything too fatty" I will get bloated and feel like I want to hurl. (Remember, I am 1/2 Italian, I eat EVERTHING and have ate everything in my life, nothing my stomach couldnt handle till now) So, for the last 5 months or so,, this has progressed to a constant stomach sickness. Pains in the upper chest, under the rib cage. Me just thinking its that damm re-flux coming on strong again? I been walking/running my new pup when the back ok's it (and most the time, when it doesnt too) BUT, I get some serious pains comin from what I think is my lung area under the rib cage in the middle. So I break down and go to the doc. My family out of pocket deductible ($3,000) had been met months ago by my wife and daughters operations, so all my stuff will be next to free (I already have 7K out of pocket this year in med and dentel crap from the family)!
My first trip Dec.2nd or so was to get another "epidural" into my disks. The last one made me feel like I was 25 yrs old again. The back never felt as good in years but sad to say that it wore off in 4 months. OK, This one has not helped for crap!!! . I go see my medical doc about my pains. I tells he I want a CT Scan of my lungs. I have 3 noduals in them and I wanted to see if they were growing again or what? Last ct scan was 2 years ago and they only grew 1 mm since the one before 6 months prior. My doc say's, NO, I want a stress test first on your heart, you ARE 41 NOW and your dad had his first attack at 44!
I pass the stress test with flying colors LIKE I KNEW I WOULD! CT scan is scedualed for Dec 26th of the lung BUT first, lets get a friggin nother scope done of the stomach, I get put under for that and pass with minor irritation. NOW, he thinks I may need a galbladder out. She sends me for an utrasound tomarrow! I puke every week whether I need it or not AND I am always feeling like I can hurl at anytime. I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!
Men at work tell me I am a ornery butt-wipe, wife tells me I am crabby, kids call me a scrooge?
I feel like crap all the time? Do you all think I can feel this way and get away with it this year?
Life seems to really suck sometimes ya know?
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I've long said that after 40 it's all downhill. I'll be 55 in February and although I think I'm in pretty decent shape for my age I have had my problems. My Grandparents used to say that old age doesn't come alone and they were certainly right. The way things are today I wouldn't want to be young again anyway.
My Mother-in-law had her gall bladder removed years ago and your problems sound similar to hers so that just may be the case with you.
Ask Murf if you can move in with him for a while for that free medical care. Talking tractors and plowing snow will probably make a world of difference. Don't forget that Canadian refrigerator he has with all the ice cold beer when you open the back door! Makes you feel a little bit better already doesn't it?
I certainly wish you well Broken.
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Sorry to hear about your problems. I've had a touchy gallbladder since my early 20's. Many in my mother's side of the family have had them removed. I don't let them cut out anything.
I've had trouble with ice cream, whip cream, coffee and fatty foods. My German heritage doesn't like spicy food, so I go without allot of good stuff.
I'm 58 and things are going downhill. Over the last year, I've developed an allergy to beer. My sinuses plug up after a couple of cold ones. Life may get better soon, Anheuser-Busch just announced today that they are going to make a new beer without wheat. Many have an allergy to wheat. Maybe that's me!
Just try watching what you eat. Are you sure your heart is ok? A friend of mine had similar symptoms and got a heart attack from blocked arteries!
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I have had one sister if not two who had similar problems and it turned out to be gallbladder. They have a procedure where they do it as an out patient with very little body cutting. You will be up in no time.
I have been told rapid weight loss helps cause gallbladder problems. So good reason to take weight loss reallll slllloooowwww.
Hope well for you,
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Dad had a similar situation about 20 years ago (he would have been about 55). For years he nursed an "ulcer" that the family doc had diagnosed. Certain foods that Dad loved would set it off. Over about 15 years, it gradually got worse and worse, until he could only eat boiled eggs and mashed potatoes. He got down to about 140 pounds (he's not a big guy). Finally he went to another doctor, who immediately diagnosed gull bladder problems. This was before the new surgical methods were developed, the surgery to remove the gall bladder had him laid up for 6 weeks. But it fixed him up.
Lately, about the same thing happened to him because of a hernia he had been hiding from the family, but that is another story.
Get it fixed.
Good luck,
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My FIL thought he was having minor heart attacks for several years before the docs figured out he had a bad gal bladder.
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I hope they figure it out and get ya fixed up. My stepdad had been dealing with a bad hip for several years. Some docs saying you need a hip replacement, etc. So just stopped complaining to them. But it really affected his life. He went to another doc, she touched him in 3 paces, said it burcitis. Gave him a cortezone shot and he's doing great.
So I hope this doc knows what he's doing for your sake!
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Thanks ya'll 
Keepin a light heart about it all helps. Now I know what dad always mean't when he would say, " look at those fools, dont know how lucky they are to have their health still"
Hell, by the time they get done with me this month, I may be the six milion dollar hilbilly.
Thanks for all and every good thought. See ya
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ba, thanks for the good chuckle. Sure hope all goes well.
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