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 03-07-2014, 09:35 Post: 189468

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 Getting in Shape for Spring Foods to Eat and those to Avoid

After a long time stuck inside laying around, its soon time to get outdoors. Would be nice to spend this month shedding some of the winter pounds we have gained...

What foods can you or will you avoid to get there...

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 03-07-2014, 10:36 Post: 189469

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 Getting in Shape for Spring Foods to Eat and those to Avoid

We son eats Nachos and Cheese as his main food group... not good if you are looking to get lighter So Sad

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 03-21-2014, 11:37 Post: 189701

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 Getting in Shape for Spring Foods to Eat and those to Avoid

Am I the only one thinking about getting in slightly better shape after this harsh winter ?

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 03-21-2014, 11:57 Post: 189703

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 Getting in Shape for Spring Foods to Eat and those to Avoid

At my last regular checkup at the Doctor a couple weeks ago he was mp0retty stern about me losing a few pounds.
I had already given up desserts for Lent.
The best weight control method that did work was from a nutritionist at the Mayo Clinic ,a few year ago, but I fell off the wagon.
Her advice was to either use those smaller size paper plates that have the dividers in them. In the biggest section of the plate goes your salad, next smaller, your veggies, and the smallest section the meat, and no seconds!!
I did stick with it long enough probably about three or four months to9 lose twenty pounds.
No diet pills or magic slimming powders needed, give it a try.


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 03-21-2014, 19:51 Post: 189706

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 Getting in Shape for Spring Foods to Eat and those to Avoid

I don't want to commit to anything just yet. I can lose a tremendous amount of weight very quickly but then I always gain it back and more.

So this time I am trying something different. I have orders to my wife that I will eat anything she cooks before 3PM. After 3PM it is just vegetables and/or fruits.

This probably won't last long Smile

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 03-21-2014, 21:21 Post: 189709

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 Getting in Shape for Spring Foods to Eat and those to Avoid

Originally Posted by DennisCTB | view 189468
After a long time stuck inside laying around.

There's the issue. If you can't get out & moving, dial the calories & fat intake waaaaay back. Then there's no worry about the "shape" you're in! Wink yeah right

Best of luck.

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 03-22-2014, 09:09 Post: 189712

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 Getting in Shape for Spring Foods to Eat and those to Avoid

I need to get out walking and biking, the weight is pretty good. I have been on the same regimen for years now. I don't literal count any calories, but I have a routine that is the same, same, same, same, every day, easiest for me though and I actually prefer it.

Three eggs scrambled with two yolks discarded,3 slices Kentucky Legend Ham, one Banana, Black Coffee

Lunch and Dinner
Large Romaine Lettuce Salad with boneless grilled chicken or turkey, Cherry Tomatoes,Sliced Apple,and or other fruit, sometimes topped with couple walnuts or pecans. Dressing 50% plain Balsamic vinegar, with 50% Wishbone Balsamic dressing for flavor.

Occasional snack
2/3 Cup sliced fruit topped with Plain Yogurt. Or other high protein snack in the afternoon like some nuts to carry you through.

That is what I eat every day, day in day out....No Bread, No cheese, no to everything that is not listed above...

I actually find it very easy to do and no hassle at all.

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