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A health forum
A health forum for a group of people dedicated to drinking beer and the conversion of dead dinosaurs into noise and dirt movement?
Seems odd, but I guess we do need to take care of ourselves lest that disreputable brother-in-law gets his mitts on our beloved tractors.
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A health forum
Well, I always thought a little seat-time was quite relaxing.....
That's gotta be good for a person, no?
Probably lower your blood pressure too!!! 
Best of luck.
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A health forum
I'm with Murf. Especially if where no one can holler or wave at you.
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A health forum
Especially if anyone waving is using all 5 fingers and not just the middle one....... 
Best of luck.
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A health forum
Health forum on a tractor site? Seems like an oxymoron to me. Or maybe it's like the guy who names his beloved boat "The Office". I take it we can tell the Joke-Of-The Day here? hahaha
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A health forum
Hey!! My first boat was called "Second Wife" because my ex-wife said if I bought it I was only going to be sleeping on the sofa.
Notice I said "ex-wife" ........ 
Health forum critisism from the guy who moved from the 'Bratwurst area' to the 'Real Pit BBQ' area.......
Best of luck.
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A health forum
I know I am struggling since I moved to Wisconsin. They are serious about their sausages here. So many and so many good ones to choose from. Kielbasa, Polish, Brats, Italian, etc. Yum! But maybe not so good for the heart. But the local store does make up some chicken, spinach and cheese brats. They are actually very good.
But tractor time did lower my blood pressure and made me feel better. Except when I would "oops." Which had me more worried that my wife saw that. I'd usually be in more danger from her seeing it than me actually doing it.
BBQ... many I love BBQ. Ribs slow cooked too... or shredded BBQ beef or pork sandwiches... with a side of potato salad or slow cooked apples with brown sugar...
Ok I'm drooling on the keyboard. I'd better stop.
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A health forum
Murf, if God had wanted man to fly he would have put wings on him. If he had wanted us to eat healthy, grass would taste good.
Read where some doctor said such as lettuce and grass was good for you. So eat it in concentrated form, beef!
You know it don’t make sense, you have to oil a machine and keep it oiled. Doctors tell you the reason your joint hurts is it the wear in it. But don’t eat oily (greasy) foods, not good for you. Seems that would help prevent the worn joints.
Iowafun, seems you are considering becoming a food critic. As to the "oops" been there and been there and well learned to keep mouth shut. At one time if I walked in the house earlier than my wife expected me she would ask, "what is wrong now." As I told her, if you don't test it, how do you know what it will do? Made sense to me.
BTW, "that disreputable brother-in-law gets his mitts on our beloved tractors." does he take better care of himself than you do? Is that how he would get his mitts on it?
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A health forum
Too much grease our diets, that is why I insist the wife buy only lean meats such as shrimp, scallops, lobster, clams and assorted fish fillets.
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A health forum
Cutter, seafood is so good too. Grilled with a light seasoning. Or lightly sauted. Mmmm good. Good excuse to buy a fishing boat too!!
Best Salmon I ate was at a small side restaurant in Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island. They got it fresh from a boat each day. Amazing... practically melted in your mouth.
A baked cod fillet with a dash of lemon or lime juice, dash of garlic powder and some basil is wonderful. But gotta shout to my buddy Halibut! Fun to catch and great eating too!
I gotta go, my Ben & Jerry's ice cream is melting.
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