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Illness Survey
Hey, here in SE Wisconsin, people are getting hammered with a bad congestion problem and now a flu type bug is making the rounds. How is everyone else doing in other parts of the country?
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Same over here, a really nasty chest/head old went around just about amonth ago, and now the last week a nasty stomach bug too.
I rarely get sick, and when I do get a cold, it rarely last more than 3 days in total, this time I was near death for the best part of a week, and felt lousy for few days either side of that. Then this past weekend I started feeling funny again and Monday night something turned my stomach into nuclear waste. I'm just now starting to eat again.
I just put it down to a self-inflicted wound, a bachelors cooking sort of thing, but now that I hear about all the people around here suffering with it, I think it was some flu thing that was going around.
Hopefully that's the last of it for this year!!!
Best of luck.
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Illness Survey
Murf you have this stomach thing up there too? My kid brought it home Friday night from daycare. Like you, I was hoping it was food related and would pass soon. Then I went down with it at 5:30 am Sunday. Still struggling with it. It's no fun at all.
Get well soon!
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"My kid brought it home Friday night from daycare."
Kids, scars and ex's.......
Everybody should have at least one so they know what pain is all about. 
I think I'm over it now, but you're right, it's no fun at all.
Best of luck.
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Well i do not have it but we have some sort of salmonella problem in the county they have had hundreds of cases of it and can not figure out where it is coming from They even got the dieses center from Atlanta out looking with no luck.
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There was a story in the news here recently about a recall of some peanut butter that was potentially contaminated with salmonella.
They said it was being recalled continent-wide.
Best of luck.
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Good thread. I "NEVER" miss a day at work. When I am down I only feel miserable for a day or so. This year I was down 3 times. Had to leave work because of stomach, puked all night and runs all day. 2 times with a chest congestion and cough 3-4 days each.
I do eat alot of Peter Pan this time of year... Now we're on Skippy.
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Been pretty lucky here far as colds and flu, we take the shots, some say they work some say otherwise. One neighbor lady got deathly sick from her flu shot,(they think). January 29th. I fell on the ice breaking my pelvis, so not so lucky that way. The doctors tell me another 3-4 weeks with a walker. I'm currently suffereing from terminal pickup truck withdrawl. All farmers are required to drive their pickup at least twice a day to go absolutely nowhere, sure hope I survive. Frank.
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Illness Survey
Here in Oregon it's making the rounds. Everyone I work with has had it but I've been lucky to avoid it. It pays to wash hands a bunch and not touch nose or eyes. It's going around at my wife's work too. Most people are missing 4 days of work minimum.
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Harvey, that's exactly the same with me, "never" sick, 3 days off in 25 years, and 2 of those were "sea-sick days" on the boat. 
In the Spanish Flu epidemic I lost a few members of our family, I always thought this talk of an up-coming "super bug" or pandemic flu was a bunch of hog-wash. Now if I hear about it coming I'm headin' for the farm to hideout.
Frank, glad to hear you're not stacking feeling bad on top of your other problem. But FYI, getting in the truck is not to go "absolutely nowhere", in the morning you go for coffe with the 'boys' and in the afternoon you go into town 'for a few things'..... 
Best of luck.
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