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Prayers for our Son
Steve will be in our prayers.
Billy & Karen Passmore
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Prayers for our Son
An Update on Steve's condition; Thank each and every one here for your prayers and concern, I've passed all of your correspondence on to Steve and his wife, they couldn't believe how many good friends I have here who are concerend for us. It has been determined that it is not "Lung Cancer" as such but a cancer in his lung. Today they did an MRI that included some radioactive element injected into his blood stream that would pinpoint any orher cancers in his body. No others were found. The Doctors said this is highly unusual as stray cancer cells normaly go to the liver or limph nodes before going to the lung. if they had found other tumors in other parts of his body they would have started high rate Chemo Monday, but being only the one tumor about the size of a chicken egg in his lung was found the new plan is to remove it then follow up with a low dosage of Chemo. So this was good news, your prayers are already at work. Frank and Lucile.
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Prayers for our Son
I haven't been on here much lately...probably not enough time, and no email alerts...but my thoughts and prayers are with you. The Good Lord certainly challenges us when it is one of our children who needs this type of prayer.
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Prayers for our Son
Blueman; Thanks for your inquiry about Steve. Things aren't going quite as well as we had hoped. Even though no other cancers were detected in the MRI, the Doctors are concerned there may be others that are too small for the MRI to detect. The plan was then changed to start the high rate Chemo this coming Wednesday, then after four sessions at two week intervals the cancer would be considered killed, then the lung tumor removed. Unfortunately a week ago today Steve started running a fever caused by Pneumonia in the lung from lack of air circulation being the tumor is blocking an airway. Two different antibiotics were tried with no results so he has been hospitalized since Saturday with a 103 fever and still at the same level as of an hour ago. He is weak enough this morning that he can hardly speak. Frank.
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Prayers for our Son
Frank, we are still praying.
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