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 01-29-2009, 17:40 Post: 159924

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 Great day for the family

Today was a milestone day for our grandson who got a gift of life kidney from his mother. Our grandson now 14 was born with weak kidneys that totaly failed him a year ago and has been on dialysis three times a week since. Today Doctors took a kidney from our daughter, his mother, and transplanted to him. Both are doing fine.

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 01-29-2009, 18:44 Post: 159926

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 Great day for the family


This is great news. I hope everything goes well for both of them.

If everything works out, life is going to be so much more enjoyable for everyone involved.


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 01-29-2009, 20:25 Post: 159929

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 Great day for the family

Great news Frank glad to hear some good news. Please wish family well for us.

Harvey & Joanne

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 01-29-2009, 21:08 Post: 159930

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 Great day for the family

Great news!

Frank, did I ever tell you I was a Dialysis Tech for many years before I was a cop? Even helped out with a kidney harvest or two......

Transplants are much more successful these days than they were 30 years ago. The anti-rejection drugs are much more effective now.

Still, the number one cause for failed transplants is failure to take the meds. Make sure that boy stays on track!

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 01-29-2009, 22:00 Post: 159931

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 Great day for the family

Hardwood, on FOXNews yesterday, there was a piece she'll want to know about, on how kidney donors have been found to suffer no ill effects.

If the following link doesn't work, go to the site and plug "kidney" in the search index at the top.


DR: That's interesting. Do you have any ideas on what else a dialysis tech might go into? a friend's son is finishing his electrical engineering program at a community college, and doing his placement as that. I suggested he might look for work for a medical equipment firm, but I wondered if you had other suggestions.

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 01-29-2009, 23:15 Post: 159935

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 Great day for the family

Frank, it's wonderful that you've got such a family. We'll keep mother and son in our prayers tonight.

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 01-30-2009, 00:16 Post: 159936

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 Great day for the family

Auerbach, it's been awhile since I was actively involved, but I visited a Dialysis center several years ago and found that not a lot has changed. Seems that we did most of the innovations 30 years ago.

That said, medicine becomes more technical and reliant on various electronic instruments with each passing day. Every hospital has need of bio-medical engineers to service and safety check the ever more complex equipment.

I suggest starting at a hospital in this era because hospitals rarely lay workers off. People still get sick no matter what the economy does, but medical equipment manufacturing is subject to the ravages of the stock market.

We used to have an expression: You can make it fool proof but it can never be nurse proof. I don't imagine things have changed in that regard. It is sort of like built in job security.

Many bio-med engineers lack actual patient care exposure and end up designing products that work better on the bench than in the field. Hospital work sounds a bit mundane, but a bright soul can invent and innovate at that level and maybe even create a marketable product based on keen observation and insight.

While I worked in the clinics I made several innovations, including one that got attention at an international artificial internal organ conference.

It's all what you make of it. I wish him the best of luck......

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 01-30-2009, 07:42 Post: 159938

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 Great day for the family

Thanks everyone for the wishes and concern, both are doing good this morning. The grandson was anxious to get it done so he could have regular food again.

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 01-30-2009, 08:09 Post: 159944

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 Great day for the family

Frank, will be praying for recovery of both.
I know a family where both in 30's one sister had kidney problems for years and finally really needed transplant. One of her sisters was a very good match and made the donotation. Her husband and children were very supportative of it. She did have some pain as her kidney had to resettle but both did great and are doing great. That was about 3 years ago. Love is a wonderful thing. So is life. Great your daugther was able to share both with her son. Bet you are a proud Daddy and Grand Daddy. Have two girls myself and each has a child. Hard to beat the pride and love that must be flowing now.

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 01-30-2009, 09:15 Post: 159948

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 Great day for the family

Great news! Follow instructions to the letter re compliance with meds. Good luck and thanks for sharing such a great story!!

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