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 05-25-2013, 09:08 Post: 187066

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 Big changes ahead

Due to medical problems that have caught up with both me and the Mrs. we are moving to an assisted living apartment on June first.

Neither of us have a terminal disease, just worn out I guess. We can no longer care for the lawns and even running a vacuum sweeper is about impossible for either of is anymore.

We have put a two acre patch with the farmhouse and workshop, plus our house in a small town on the market with a Realtor. We are keeping the farmland that surrounds the acreage. It has been leased to a super good tenant for seven years and provides a pretty good return.

I guess we could have rented the houses and not sold them but my experience with renters hasn't been good so I'd rather just sell and be done with it.

Now the challange is going to be two 1400 ft. houses full of furniture, and moving to a 760 ft. apartment.

I also have a shop full of high dollar woodworking machinery left from our furniture shop days and on top of that pretty good line of metal working machines, A new Jet inch and a half bore engine lathe, that has never been used, tops the list of metal working and mechanic tools. I counted somewhere around twenty complete socket sets of every size , on and on and on. So it looks like an auction sometime later this summer is the only way to dispose of all the extra furniture and shop things. I didn't mention my Deere 4310 yet with all the attachments, I will really miss that, but life has to move on.

I will still be around TractorPoint just to keep up with all my friends here, so I'm not completely going away.


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 05-25-2013, 13:48 Post: 187068

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 Big changes ahead


I have found as I get older that my desire for expansive amounts of land, property and things gets diminished every year one by one. If my wife were closer in age to me I would already have downsized from where I am now.

Yes at some point less is more for all of us!

Whether you are working the farm or not your advice has always been and will continue to be beneficial here at Tractorpoint. Though you joined us in 2002 it seems like only yesterday, I have been running TP for almost 15 years now, time sure flies....

My best to you and your spouse as you make this change.


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 05-25-2013, 16:05 Post: 187069

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 Big changes ahead

Frank, I'm sure it's a time of mixed emotions for both of you. On one hand, your life will be easier and you will have more time for the things you enjoy. On the other hand you are probably a man who likes to stay busy and having too much time on your hand may be worse than not enough.

The time does come for all of us. My wife was disabled a year ago and I have less and less time to take care of the property while, at the same time, the chore list is getting longer. So downsizing is coming for us too, it's only a matter of time. Maybe a few years, I'd like to be retired but with only one income, the increases in medical bills, and the moribund economy that will likely never happen now.

It is good you have family and friends around to keep you busy and active. God's blessings to both of you as you transition to your new lifestyle.

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 05-26-2013, 09:04 Post: 187075

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 Big changes ahead

The acreage sold yesterday, pending financing, but I doubt they have a problem. Things are moving perhaps a bit faster than we had thought they would. Even in this rotten economy there are two other parties waiting if the first buyer fails, and it has only been on the marker a couple weeks.


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 05-26-2013, 09:08 Post: 187076

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 Big changes ahead


It has to be very difficult for anyone to make such a decision, but I know that we will all face this at some point in our lives.

My hat goes off to you, my friend. I always have a great amount of admiration for people who make these hard decisions on their own, rather than leaving it to their children, or other family members to make these decisions for them.

Your experiences in life are worth a million to others. Even though you're moving into a smaller place, it won't change the fact that you still have a wealth of experience to share with those here who have tapped on your shoulder more than once.

Best of luck to you, my friend. And please.....do stay in touch.


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 05-27-2013, 22:10 Post: 187091

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 Big changes ahead

Time certainly marches on doesn't it?

Sorry to hear there's enough issues to prevent you & your missus from staying in your own home Frank.

I can relate though, even though I'm a few years younger than you. Some of the more longer standing members might recall I had some issues myself a few years back & sold most of the business to the employees. I ended up picking up some more of the ownership and management after my former manager, then the 'new' president of the company committed suicide late last year. So much for retirement.

Then back in the beginning of March I took a fall on some ice and screwed up my left arm & shoulder pretty badly, I still have a lot of pain and very limited use of my left arm.

Sorry if I haven't been around much friends, but I still try to keep an eye on things here, glad to hear you will too Frank.

Best of luck.

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 05-28-2013, 22:57 Post: 187102

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 Big changes ahead

Wow, Murf, sorry to hear about your arm. Hope it heals up all the way and gets back to normal soon.

(Don't you just love the way it takes so much longer to heal as the years go by?)

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