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Been awhile folks
Hello Dennis and everyone I once new, and all the new folks!
It is great to be back. I have been away, as I was in a head on wreck, in which I was hit by a 24 year old drunk, uninsured and without a license, racing his buddy down the highway in the wrong direction. I was hit head-on in my 4wd van, at 118 mph. TOO many medics that I can remember, and I suspect the amount of morphene has something to do with my memory of that night as well. Thank God above, that I had an over sized engine and seat belts/airbag along with. Long recovery, to say the least. Never broke a bone, just everything internally went berserk along with my muscle tone - thank goodness I had that to start with.
Long story short, I LIVED (!) and am around to talk about it and more importantly - TRACTORS - a while longer yet. 
Now let's get back to things that really matter - TractorPoint!
Willie H
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Been awhile folks
Welcome back Sir.
Bronnie from Tennessee
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Been awhile folks
Willie Welcome Back !!!
Wow that accident shows that size does matter, glad you are OK. What was the model of your vehicle, nice to know somethings work as designed .
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Been awhile folks
Don't laugh TOO hard...I always had company service vans thru my career as a field service rep. They were for the most part Ford Aerostar vans. The one that I was 'kissed' in, was my personal Aerostar, 1994 with the 4L straight or inline engine, along with the extra iron of the 4wd, as opposed to just rear wheel drive. I'll tell you what, they can say what they want, how homely it looked etc. as a vehicle, but they were TOUGH trucks. Everyone asked me "Where did the engine go?"
It went down into the ground, as designed. That van was built, as the crumple cage stopped at the firewall...never even cracked a window pane! (I cracked instead )
But, I'm still here. If Ford were still making these vans, I would get another, and another.
I have a variety of makes, but, in this case, "Built FORD Tough" as the slogan says, lived up to it's claim...and I am VERY thankful for that.
Willie H
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Been awhile folks
Welcome back, Willie H!
I'm very sorry to hear the bad news, but I'm very happy that you've somehow survived such a thing.
Wishing you all the best, my friend.
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Been awhile folks
Sorry I missed this thread till now.
Welcome back indeed!!!
If you're still looking at vans, have a look at the Ford a Transit series. They're tried and true after many years of heavy commercial service in Europe.
Best of luck.
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Been awhile folks
I am a little tardy in getting back to reply...I am still learning the navigation elements here again. So, my apologies to all that have replied with well wishes - I do Thank you all.
Murf ~
I have been watching the Transits also. I met up with a couple different folks (at different companies) that utilize these vehicles. I like them myself, and a family, (husband/wife) down the road from me, have his and hers transit vans and love them. If memory serves, they are produced in Turkey, and as you stated, are proven over there...maybe my next - who knows. 
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Been awhile folks
Willie I can understand you being thankful for God's protection there. Glad for it. We all need God's grace.
For an off the wall thought, there a lot of deuce and a half's being sold now days. kt
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