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 12-03-2004, 11:27 Post: 101499

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 vinyl siding

Anyone know how to install vinyl siding on a pole building without having the nails protruding through the SOB into he wall cavity?

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 12-03-2004, 16:23 Post: 101518

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 vinyl siding

Whattype of sheathing is on the building? Thickness? Solid
wall or straping?

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 12-03-2004, 17:32 Post: 101522

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 vinyl siding

Whattype of sheathing is on the building? Thickness? Solid
wall or straping?

7/16 OSB

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 12-03-2004, 17:36 Post: 101523

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 vinyl siding

Just paint it camoflauge, nobody will ever see it anyways, or use glue...

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 12-03-2004, 18:16 Post: 101526

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 vinyl siding

The man asked a legitimate question!!

We all like you but you hurt yourself with the cuteness of your replies! Try to address the topic with out so much blondness OK?

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 12-03-2004, 18:21 Post: 101527

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 vinyl siding

there is an old saying that goes...people are destined to give advise about things they know absolutely nothing about, and are not qualified to advise on, but the only option you have is to listen...

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 12-03-2004, 19:20 Post: 101531

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 vinyl siding

We used vinyl siding on a new frame building a few years ago it had 2X6 studs covered with 3/4 OSB. I really don't recall that the nails came thru. I don't need to tell you this, you allready know the 7/16 OSB just isn't thick enough to hold any kind of a nail, but by now somebody surely has came up with another type fastener to do what you need done. Check with where you bought the siding, if they don't have an answer keep checking lumber yards, home centers, etc., I'll bet somebody has a solution for you. Best of luck. Frank.

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 12-04-2004, 03:14 Post: 101550

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 vinyl siding

But with a pole building it's different.

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 12-04-2004, 03:21 Post: 101552

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 vinyl siding

Ibrown; I guess I was too tired to be thinking straight last evening. Yes a pole building is different, the nails must have been lioned up with the studs, I'll take a closer look in the morning. He has an entirely different situation. Frank.

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 12-04-2004, 03:38 Post: 101553

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 vinyl siding

Ibrown; I guess I was too tired to be thinking straight last evening.
Yes a pole building is different,
*the nails must have been lioned up with the studs,
*That's the point I was trying to make A pole building don't have any studs so the siding NAILS can't be lined up with the studs so the result is you end up with hundreds of nails sticking out into the wall cavity.

What I'm looking for is ideas on how to put vinyl siding on a pole building without nails sticking through into the open wall cavity.

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