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 05-06-2006, 22:44 Post: 129000

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 waste oil heat

Maybe its time you all start leaving gallon milk jugs full of used oil on the curbs. After enough of you all start doing that the city will surely start a recylcling place for it Laughing out loud

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 05-07-2006, 01:08 Post: 129011

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 waste oil heat

Broken - Ha! That would sure get someone's attention. Murf and Art - I have given up on the thought of a heater for my 2 car garage. It would be an overkill for that and I couldn't give it constant attention. Thanks for your comments!

Broken - they do accept used oil but often not without encouraging you to take it someplace else. One local gas station makes you fill out paper work when you give them your oil. My own reliable station where I get repairs just plain told me they already have enough to heat their garage. At first at Mavis Tires I could just go dump it myself in their tank. Now a BIG guy comes out and meets me and makes me wait a while before an attendant takes the oil from me. Now I hear I should go to Valvoline quick change oil so maybe I'll try them.

My last township had an oil recycle tank at the town dump where you could bring it. That was great. I have done some research and have found a company one city from me named NOCO which recycles used automotive fluids and they will take all the used oil I bring them with a smile.

I found out through the local recycle agency that, although service stations by law have to take used oil from anyone who brings it in, they only have to do this up until a quota is filled. Unfortunately no one monitors the quota so a service station can turn anyone down once they have enough oil for their waste oil heaters. So the environmentalists publish all this stuff about recycling oil - but I imagine lots of it just goes into the ground or to the local landfill in gallon jugs. Largely because it is still inconvenient to find people who will take it with a smile.

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 05-07-2006, 05:36 Post: 129013

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 waste oil heat

I thinks we should just dump it. That way after the next ice age or 2 the inhabiants of this planet will have some fossil fuels to use.

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 05-18-2006, 20:54 Post: 129536

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 waste oil heat

around here almost all garages including town owned have put waste oil burners in. The town ones are real nice because they are ussaly good size and it helps save on tax dollars becuase they arn't paying for expensive burner oil.

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 05-19-2006, 07:04 Post: 129553
Art White

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 waste oil heat

They also have some fancy rules as far as not burning other peoples oil and the transport of it for those that do have waste oil burners. Our units need monthly cleaning do to the build up of the additives in the oil, looks like sand in the burner when we take it out. For the oil we can't or choose not to burn we have to pay to have it taken. If you have a place that takes it for nothing close by then that's great. We actually have a local garage that does much of our service work and we get a oil change as well as grease job for twenty dollars and they check over the veichle well for us in hopes of finding a bad u-joint or something else. Twenty minutes and they are done and only a mile down the road. I'm currently running synthetic in my wife's car and they charge ten dollars to do the change with full service with me supplying the oil and filter. It's nice to be under them often and able to see what is rusting away in NY. NO MORE SALT PLEASE!

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