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Best tires for ice
Frank Canada has a point about the cold. It is possible your inflations are at the bottom edge of psi rating of the electronics.
Check with guadge before moving and compare the 2 #'s. Check after driving and compare #'s
Mine vary almost 5psi. cold on pu is 41 psi front and rear winter tires, (35 psi summer tires). After run fronts will be 45 and rears 44 +/-.
I have only checked the after markets 2x. The factory ones were new toy and I checked them many times.
My light only came on 1x I had nail in tire and it did not come on until it had lost 8-10 PSI.
Don't know your sizes but the 2004 TB with 17's was 34 front and 32 rear. Not have psi system in them. The winter tires are around 36 psi. Not the same thought as years ago to soften tires during winter. I keep them up so the tread stays open. I check by wetting tire and drive on concrete floor.
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Best tires for ice
Harvey, thanks for the link to revolution supply. Their price on sensors for my truck was $117 each (at least it looked like each). A year or so I bought a brand new set of four off ebay for $80. The worst thing about these sensors on Toyotas is that swapping wheels with different sensors requires taking it to the dealer to have the main TPMS computer reprogrammed. When asked how much they said a few hundred bucks. I don't want to spend that twice a year when swapping.
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Best tires for ice
Ken.... I am sure my '08 Highlander has the same tire monitor system and I didn't even consider the PIA until you brought it up.
Tell me what happens when a sensor fires off..... is there a warning light and a audible alarm?
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Best tires for ice
Ken I think the OEM from there where $80+ for chev. I got the knock offs.
What does the dealer/tire book say about rotating tires. Until I did some reading I also believed I had to go to dealer. Not saying that not the case with yours. Also I'd check with the tire installer.
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Best tires for ice
My parents ran a Mom and Pop Standard Oil station for years, so I got plenty of part time tire experience. I knew about the cold temp pressure drop and all that from my tire days there, but with todays electronics it seems that an outside air tempreture sensor would be a simple part of the monitor system and compensate for it. You know, the old, "If they can send a man to the moon etc., etc."
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Best tires for ice
Mark, our 05 Highlander did not use individual tire sensors and instead used the ABS sensor to detect low pressure. When the tire pressure drops the effective diameter shrinks, the tire seems to spin faster, and the TPMS lights up an indicator in the instrument panel. There was no audible alarm. That system was awful, it false alarmed all the time when we traveled gravel roads and resetting it ever week was a pain. Eventually we gave up and just ignored the light.
The Tacoma has individual sensors, which has been dead reliable, but a real PIA for swapping tires+wheels between winter and summer. There's really no excuse for a design that requires the dealer to reprogram sensors with a wheel swap. That could have been done automatically with good design. Some guys have removed all five sensors and put them in a sealed PVC tube with a valve stem. Pump it up to pressure, throw the tube in the glovebox, and voila, no TPMS light.
Harvey, we've had three vehicles with TPMS. An 08 Subaru, 05 Toyota Highlander, and the 07 Tacoma and none of them have any special requirements for rotation.
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Best tires for ice
Mark and Murf, thanks for the pointer to the Nokian tires. This morning we put a set of studded Nokian Hakkapeliitta 5 tires on the wife's Subaru. I can see why those tires work so well - they are siped to the max and have twice as many studs as the Toyo M55s I bought for the truck. They also cost a pretty penny - $300/tire installed for tiny Subaru tires. Yowsa. But driving home on an ice packed road the tires gave a great feeling of confidence.
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Best tires for ice
Maybe I told this story before, if so forgive me.
Up in Alaska we spent about half the year driving on ice. There were at least two times that I slid on the ice and put the pick-up in the ditch. We are talking serious nose down in the ditch.
Both times I called my wife who showed up in her Toyota Camry (front wheel drive) and those studded Nokian tires.
We hooked up with a nylon strap, put that Camry in reverse and popped the truck right back on the road.
No, she wasn't pulling from dry pavement. She was pulling from the same icy pavement that put me in the ditch.
First time it happened I thought it was luck. The second time I knew better. It was the tires.
BTW..... In 21 winters there she never went in the ditch. I'm thinking for at least 18 of those winters she was driving on Nokian tires.
And I guess she is a more careful driver than her hubby..........
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Best tires for ice
And I guess she is a more careful driver than her hubby..........
Or she is a little more nervous and therefore drives slower.
That's my problem, I get a little too 'optimistic' and the right foot goes down a titch too far. So far however, I've only had a couple of close calls, in 2 cases dropping the snowplow did the trick, in the other (sans plow) the gravel of the shoulder gave enough traction to keep me on the road.
Coming home just yesterday my good lady was driving my ride and I mentioned that she could pick it up a little, she was doing a little below the limit, around here 10 mph over is 'normal speed'.
She eloquently pointed out that being me being quiet and enjoying the drive was still going to be a LOT faster than me walking home. 
Best of luck.
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