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 02-22-2009, 15:23 Post: 160510

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 Regrind over asphalt

Has anyone tried putting regrind (ground up asphalt) over a old asphalt driveway? My driveway is sand, in the thaw the sand turns to soup, 4-6 inches of regrind cured the problem. My neighbor's drive which I also use is old broken down asphalt. wondering if I put a layer of regrind over would it stay? It seems to be pretty much impermeable.

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 02-22-2009, 22:18 Post: 160523

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 Regrind over asphalt

I am surprised by the comments of the regrind recombining, I just spread it and that was it. It's not stuck together more like packed well. This is over bottomless fine sand. Where sand has mixed in(I didn't do the whole drive) it becomes less effective.
The soup syndrome; I picture like this, there is a frost layer below-above up to a 12" puddle that just happens to be full of dirt. Where I put the regrind-no puddle. Clearly it blocks the water, maybe the repelling effect of the asphalt/oil? Stone dust (tried on a small area) was ineffective.
Auerbach, Try the regrind, I would not have believed it would work as well as it has.

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 02-23-2009, 21:53 Post: 160551

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 Regrind over asphalt

Having mulled over the replies, Harvey, I think you are right if I somehow "contain" the regrind, it will work. You are correct that the drive is at (somewhat sunken) grade. What (cheap!) to build up along the edges? some areas are not a problem, walls,berm etc. Course some areas it will cause drainage issues if I raise the drive (never easy). Maybe just side berms of regrind will do the trick?

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 02-24-2009, 18:02 Post: 160575

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 Regrind over asphalt

Wow that story hasn't made my day, I've a pile of yet to spread regrind for over a year now-------

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