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 03-31-2003, 09:18 Post: 52253

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The New Format change is dictated by operating costs.

Anyone who would like to Join as a "Premium Member" will get the OLD FULL Thread Format.

To Join as a "PREMIUM Member" Click on the link below or on any of the links inside the message threads.

The fee of $19.98 will be for an Annual Membership. All Memberships expire on December 31.

Thanks for your understanding that it takes alot of time effort and money to run and build this Board for you guys, and your Membership / Participation is sincerely appreciated.


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 03-31-2003, 10:30 Post: 52257

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I saw we need some more sponsors, I talked with the local Ford, IH and Mahindra dealer Saturday. We have some good sized dealers in the area. We need more to consider it a resource.

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 03-31-2003, 18:05 Post: 52286

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Thanks Dennis I do not mind paying for a good service. I do 3 sites none are as elaborat as yours but they do take considerable amont of time, of which I have very little of during the construction season... Thanks again for a good service via the internet.


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 03-31-2003, 19:28 Post: 52292

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You have been with us since the days of Roger Loving.
Thanks for your Posts and kind words.

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 03-31-2003, 19:34 Post: 52293

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New Premium Members!

You will need to Login Again to enable this feature. This will reset your TractorPoint "cookies".

The word "Elite" will appear next to your userid at the Top of the page if your membership is a Premium account.


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 04-01-2003, 06:32 Post: 52323
Randy Eckard

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You mentioned Roger Loving, what ever became of him?


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 04-01-2003, 08:10 Post: 52336

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I confirmed what I thought. Clicking on the 'read more' links loads the rest of the comment from the site. There's less traffic and therefore less server costs if the links aren't used. Originally entire threads were loaded each time a person clicked on one and each time a person went back to one. From this perspective the new format is a far better solution than attempted on other sites.

I'll purchase the plan. I certainly create a lot of incidental traffic and it'd be good if I helped pay for it. Ironically, I might be getting used to the new format and actually stick with the 'read more' links. When I think of how many hours a year I spend here the $20 isn't worth thinking about. I don't think I could find a recreation that costs any less per hour--especially since I don't consider TV recreation or watching ads as being without cost.

I face a similar situation myself. I recently put a catalogue search engine for our Library Board on my own small web host service because I think there is enough capacity under the plan. If I start getting unexpected traffic I could find myself jacked into buying a larger plan or having to hand out passwords to use the library catalogue. This hosting stuff isn't free and the idea that ads will pay for it crashed quite awhile ago.

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 04-01-2003, 21:00 Post: 52415

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Some of us have been able to exchange emails with him some time ago. I fear that he may not be doing so well, did not seem to be himself. But I would rather think of him as being just too busy rebuilding a Yanmar Tractor out in Colorado.

For those who are new to the board use the search feature for "Roger L" for the posted by search. Roger's last post was just over a year ago, he certainly has some of the best Tractor wisdom on this Board, check it out!


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 04-06-2003, 14:29 Post: 52668

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I would like to become a premium member; but when I click on the link nothing happens. I have also tried to click on the link to read more and nothing happens. How do I know if I pay to become a member I won't have problems then?


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 04-06-2003, 14:48 Post: 52669

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Kris, I've had that same problem since the last change. If you'll click on the 'Click to Read More' then right click it on your tool bar and click Maximize, the window will pop up.

I thought it was an issue with only my pc but I guess it's not.


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Discussion Boards > Active Subjects > Messages as Posted > Website Operations Howto Forum

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