Survey How Did You Find the CTB
I have been running this Board for about a year and a half now, and occsionally someone will say how happy they were to have "STUMBLED" over to the CTB.So when you "Stumbled Across the CTB" How was it that You Found The CTB?Search Engine:Alta VistaLycosInfoseekExciteYahooA FriendReferred by another siteWhich site?OtherLet us know How You came to Finding the CTBThanksDennisCTBjPlan Developers
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Survey How Did You Find the CTB
Performed a search on a search engine (most likely excite or askjeeves) for a farm tractor question I was looking for. Got my questioned answer on the jplan board and have been an occasional surfer ever since. Many thanks for a useful site and helpful/knowledgable fellow jplan surfers! Regard Mark
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Survey How Did You Find the CTB
I found it looking for New Holland information and using "Copernic" (which uses several search engines.
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Survey How Did You Find the CTB
After I figured out that the types of tractors I was interested in where refered to as "compact tractors", I used alta vista and simply typed in compact tractors and voila!
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Survey How Did You Find the CTB
Dennis: I used "Mamma" (multi search engine) for a search for John Deere, and found you. Please keep up the good work. I've found this board MOST VALUABLE, and refer to it more than any other of my "favorites". Jack
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Survey How Did You Find the CTB
I can't even remember just when I found the Compact Tractor Board; I think it was last July or August, and I don't really remember how I found it the first time, but I bookmarked it then and check it for new messages nearly every day. Sorry I can't give a better answer for your survey, but I sure do enjoy and appreciate the work you've done.
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Survey How Did You Find the CTB
I was looking for information on new tractors. Since DOG PILE was my home page, I just let it find you for me through a search. This is a great forum, full of information and helpful people.
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Survey How Did You Find the CTB
Dennis I found it through altavista when I was getting down to making a final decision on purchasing a tractor. I was going to order a tractor the next day. With information gathered here I delayed the decision and ended up buying a different tractor, and asked the right questions when I did place the order. Thanks. Chris
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Survey How Did You Find the CTB
Dennis... I *think* I originally found CTB through Yahoo. I used to have a Ford 8N; found a good discussion site for them, and was looking for a new "home" after I sold it and was planning a new purchase. I really appreciate CTB - it helped me make an informed decision for my new toy... er, umm... workhorse. Thanks for all your effort!
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Survey How Did You Find the CTB
I was reading combine forums on a link of farmshow magazine and seen the compact tractor board listed, have been a dedicated reader ever since.It's an excellent board Dennis, keep up the good work. bud in ohio.
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