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 04-06-2003, 17:30 Post: 52674

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The only reason I can think of is you don't have "javascript" enabled,or you have some "popup window" filter that you need to set to allow TP windows to open.

I have changed the set up so you can get to the either the "premium" member page or the reply page without opening a popup window

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 04-07-2003, 08:20 Post: 52720

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So I saw myself labeled 'supreme being' this morning and thought 'Yikes!' Sure made me feel inadequate till I saw a few other supreme beings. Fortunately modern times dilutes almost everything and supreme takes on a different meaning' It's good that here 'supreme' has plenty of good company. The term used in the original sense is capitalized. We're only 'capital' here in a British sense.

I personally think that a lot of red is hard on the eyes, so blue would be a better colour for a supreme being. Of course I do own a relatively new Ford. Otherwise a supreme being would be red and gray.

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 04-15-2003, 07:19 Post: 53155

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Cutter: Dennis did it. For you too I notice and I imagine for the same reason. In the evolution of this premium member buz we went through various honourific titles. The titles keep getting more realistic even if we do end up by honouring green above all else. Well, I hope I've transcended all this colour identification stuff. I don't like to think of myself as being 'branded.' I grew up with a different meaning for the term than is now used by marketing types. I'm just happy enough to be here participating with or without titles.

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 04-15-2003, 18:29 Post: 53178

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Weeeellll shiver me timbers, I have green machines too! First I have seen them with my name. Thanks for the information Tom.

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 04-15-2003, 19:18 Post: 53181

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All Premium Members get a 1 to 5 Tractor rating to help new people to TractorPoint understand just how much you have contributed to our knowledge base.

Remember if you are a premium member you just need to log in to TractorPoint to enable your Premium view capability.

I will also be adding any photos Premium Members submit to their individual member Profile page. That way people can just click on your member name to see your pics.


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 04-15-2003, 19:55 Post: 53182

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Thank you for making these changes Dennis. I will check out the picture feature, I have some dandies of the ice storm I would like to post.

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 04-16-2003, 08:14 Post: 53221

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I kind of liked the Ninja theme, kinda takes me back to my martial arts days as a youngster, Laughing out loud.

However the tractors are probably an easier concept to follow.

As Tom mentioned however, a little choice in paint schemes would be a nice touch......

Best of luck.

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 04-16-2003, 08:37 Post: 53223

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I would have to have three green ones and two orange ones....

Dennis, the picture thing would be really cool.... when does it start?

Also, am I seeing a change in the e-mail notification?

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 04-16-2003, 10:04 Post: 53229

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Yes there is, but I will probably restore the old way on "email notify" for Premium members.

When I get a chance I will change it to a to Green, Orange, Blue and Yellow Tractors if I can find some pix that make sense. Or maybe I will make an TractorPoint symbol that is color blind!


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 04-16-2003, 17:33 Post: 53245

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Since this board seems to have a great deal to do with helping those lost or searching for an answer it could be said to be somewhat of a compass for tractor/technical assistance. How about a four point compass with a different color tractor for each direction as the Tractor-Point symbol.

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