Sweet Potatoes or Yams On the Grill
A month or so ago I was cooking some chicken on the gas grill and I noticed a sweet potato or most likely a yam sitting on the counter. So I got sliced the yam up into small cubes skin and all and placed it in a sheet of heavy duty aluminum foil, added a small amount butter, and a pinch of D+ (my spicey seasoning of cayenne, coarse Black pepper, and Mrs. Dash). I wrapped it up and put it on the grill.
My daughter is still raving about it and begging for me to make it again. Some of the skins where a little blackened so that I thought I had ruined it but it was delicious.
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Sweet Potatoes or Yams On the Grill
Not smart enough to know the difference between yams and sweet potatoes but are bake sweet potatoes scarce there? Really gotten popular here with many steak houses along with sweet potato fries. My wife normally leaves them whole for baking and will varying wrapped and buttered or left unwrapped and placed direct over the heart depending on whether we want to eat the pealing (wrapped and buttered) or to peel and eat unwrapped. For your diet ignore this, but use brown sugar and Cinnamon and butter in the hot baked sweet potato. How about sweet potato pudding? If you like cold milk a glass of that in one hand and the hot sweet potato in the other is a great snack. Sweet potato are a large crop here and they are sold heavy to northern bound tourist. We don't use the white sweet potato the yellow or reds are better to us.
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Sweet Potatoes or Yams On the Grill
I can't tell the difference between a sweet potato and a yam either, maybe there isn't any difference just called a different name because of a local slang or something.
A favorite local resturant here has been serving sweet potato fries for a while now. At first I didn't think that sounded very good, but I was wrong, they are delicious.
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Sweet Potatoes or Yams On the Grill
Edjumikashun time. 
A yam is a tuberous root comes from a perennial vine and mostly in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
A sweet potato is also a tuberous root comes from a perennial vine but one grown domestically. As an interesting aside, sweet potatoes are of the same family as Morning Glory flowers. It is also very distantly related to 'regular' potatoes.
Generally speaking yams are much bigger than sweet potatoes which are about the size of a large 'regular' potato.
Best of luck.
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Sweet Potatoes or Yams On the Grill
Murf not doubting you but the size with same variety varies a lot depending on how long you allow them to grow at least here. We normally dig while still growing and if left will grow as big as any Idaho potato will. Just don't for the value or price of them drop greatly when they do. Well at least for the fresh market know that is true but think so for the processing people also.
Hey dennis, wash them good and just toss in the pot after the turkey comes up skin and all should be fine. Probably will need to peel the skin and not eat but should cook very well.
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Sweet Potatoes or Yams On the Grill
If you leave a yam to mature, they finish out at ~5' long and 150 pounds.

Best of luck.
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Sweet Potatoes or Yams On the Grill
That would be bout enough to fill ole Jeffery up one time. Don't think we grow those.
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Sweet Potatoes or Yams On the Grill
WOW, that's a lot of yam. About like my pumpkins, I can only bring in one at a time from the patch. I have to use two log chains to go around one to drag them in one at a time with the John Deere.
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