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This is what is building the large tractors at our plant now a day>
Locked out
By Dustin Block
MOUNT PLEASANT - A Racine County supervisor criticized the state Wednesday for ordering former prison inmates on community supervision to quit their jobs as replacement workers at CNH Global.
"I understand there's a union issue there," said Supervisor Ken Lumpkin, who had heard of at least 12 people who were told by their parole officer to stop working at CNH. "I feel it is unfair they were pulled off the jobs, especially in a society where many of these young men are seen as deadbeat dads. They're trying to do the proper thing, to take care of their kids, and this dramatic type of action occurs. It give them a feeling of hopelessness."
Members of United Auto Workers Local 180 have been locked out of their jobs at CNH since November. The company is running the plant in Mount Pleasant with replacement workers - some who are former inmates in need of work - supplied by Strom
Should the state allow inmates on community supervision to work at CNH?
The state ordered the former inmates to quit working as replacement workers to avoid a confrontation with the union members, according to a report on the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel's Web site.
Union workers have continued to picket CNH's plant and offices in the Racine area during the lockout.
Lumpkin told The Journal Times on Wednesday night that the state's decision was harmful to the ex-prisoners, who are left with little recourse. If they complain, they could upset the union and Department of Corrections.
"Being minorities, many of these people have been locked out and left out of our community," he said. "They shouldn't have to be scabs, they shouldn't have to break the picket line to find job opportunities. But in the real world that's the way it is."
Lumpkin added that it was unfortunate that unions do not do more to work with young minorities to help them find high-paying jobs. If unions would reach out to blacks and Hispanics, he said, the minority community would be more sympathetic to the unions.
The state's decision comes as the UAW continues to picket CNH in hopes of returning to work. The union went on strike on Nov. 3 to protest the lack of a new labor contract. Workers called off the strike in late November, but were locked out of their jobs on Nov. 23 by CNH, which began using the replacement workers.
John Deere has got to be loving this press release
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This is still burning my ass. What a total fool, and if you read this in the paper you either think the union is a racist org. or you think that CNH is?
Quote {They shouldn't have to be scabs, they shouldn't have to break the picket line to find job opportunities. But in the real world that's the way it is."}
So what is he saying? CNH is only able to find deralick losers to come build the tractors? Yes some of these guys may of just "made a mistake!" I think most if not all made their own bed. The only reason they are looking for work is to STAY OUT OF JAIL. The police venture into that plant almost daily and leave with someone in handcuffs!
As for the statement about the union should do MORE to help the minority. WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT. WHY should the union help them? In my neck of the woods you HELP YOURSELF, take responsibility for your own future and becaome a member of society that is acceptable to the community and the law enforcement officials (in other words obey the law and you stay out of jail) Over the 7 years I have been there the majority of employees hired that are not skilled are minority, whether they be women or people of color. The last few groups that have been hire, you would be hard pressed to find a white male in the group. Where he comes up with the union doing more for this portion of Americans is beyond me. Many of my friends SONS may need a job someday too. This is crap all the way around. We go to the same schools and have the same problems with divorce and broken familys. Dont come crying on my shoulder looking for hand outs if you choose to live a life of crime instead of getting a job at McDonalds when you graduate, learn a few work ethic skills and move on from there. Our unions support the Dem. (Why I dont know) but the Dems. support lower class and middle lower classes of people regaurdless of color/race/or (lately) country of origin. Our union does enough, period! Its past time for this country to set color and creed and gender aside from hireing practices and hire as a true, "equal opportunity employment company"
Yes, convicts need jobs too. But while out on "suprvised leaves from jail" it is NOT a good idea to have to come face to "car window" with guys who have been replaced every day. I quick story and I will end this rant. Yesterday morning it was -3 degrees. We were on the line slowing cars down as they crossed the line. One car had 4 men in it. One of them flipped off a 58 year old guy next to me right after he had cupped his hands and made it look like he was soo warm in the car and we were freezing. Now this guy then flips my friend off and then rubs his 3 fingers and thumb together (in the national sign for MONEY) and flips him off again. This 58 year old huy who I have never saw go over the line with his temper, just about lost it. Calling this guy OUT. You should of heard the words!!!! I had to grab him to keep him from going to jail! He would of busted that window out and you all know what would of happened then. As that car continued past us and entered the company property one of the guys in back of that car flashed us a few GANG SIGNS. 3-4 boys
Now do you see why the state may think the convicts should look else where for employment? Some one is going to get hurt and some one is going to go to jail. This guy has 2 years till retirement and this thug is making light of the situation. You think this guy will be there in 29 years? CNH is claiming they dont hire the employess but STROM Comp. does. If this is the workforce they are assembling you can kiss this tractor line away, for john deere will absolutely steal all of the market share soon enough. I guess paying your employess a fair wage (like JD does) and keeping a smaller share of the profit is a good thing. Or soon we will see.
Thanks for listening to me vent, whether you like unions or not that is not the point. This foriegn owned company has took an american tradition CASE and will drive it into the ground just like their car buisness. We are all american workers no matter who or what we do. One feeds off the other is one way or anouther dont think for a second your cushy office job is not effected by the maufacturing in the state. I hope like all hell we are still out in March. I will decide in March if will be moving or not.
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Really stinks during the holidays and all. A couple years ago a union group where I work went on strike for 3 months. The operation came to a complete stop the day after they walked and nearly everyone, except for the mechanics, was laid off. We didn't have the scab thing to worry about. About a month into it groups of laid off employees would frequent the spots where the negotiations were being held and would plead with the striking employees to ratify the contract so everyone could get back to work and their benefits would start again. People with children etc. One lady actually popped one of the negotiating members in the mouth as he was leaving. She was in a bad situation. No charges were pressed. I did learn one thing during the strike, can't believe a thing that the media puts out and the stuff that they do would just make me madder than he-- because it was obvious that the reporter had done hardly any research into the story.
I have a friend who worked with some Eastern Airline scabs. These people crossed the mechanic's picket line. Later, after Eastern went belly up, these people were hired by my friend's airline. Once the mech's learned about these people's past their lives at work was pure hell. Nobody talked to them, etc. Guess their tool boxes would go on globe spanning cargo flights.
These people you're talking about have nothing like that to worry about. They go in , screw up some machinery more than likely and then head back to their three hots and a cot, the concrete hilton. They don't care and they know that they are protected so they insult as many people they can and if they see someone get upset it just adds fuel to their fire. You're correct, thieves, thugs, gang members, drug dealers etc. All out to steal the American dream from whomever they can.
Anyway, as best as you can , enjoy your holidays and time with your family.
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Thanks alot for great words of encouragement. Whether you agree with unions striking or not, that is not MY issue. My issue is that it is MY job. In my trade and in my area this was one of the best places to make a living at. Since most tool and die is going over seas this was a great option. Like I said last year, I dont need a union for my skills are fine, just the jobs are not there anymore in the numbers that would create a decent wage for us. Yes most of the assembly workers are over paid, but who is to say what over paid is? If we make less (We being Americans) more goes over seas to help a failing car company? If we make less, more goes into big buisnessmens pockets CEO's. It is not a matter of being profitable (look at last quarters income) it is a matter of the company making more of a profit!
These replacement workers. I dont blame them, but to cross my line and snicker at me or laugh or give me the finger? Well that will only get people hurt. That tells me they dont respect anything much less care for who they work for. These traveling scab company's get paid good money to have replacement workers ready, its amazing our company dont put half the same amount of effort into making a decent work envirenment for us as they are putting into trying to replace us.
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They are rewarded by the tax code for leaving this country.
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Let's see, reasons not to be in the USA for buisness, the complicated tax codes, EPA,DEC, workers that can work in there country 12 hour days or even 15 when needed, and without over time wages. No workers compensation, no social security, nothing like the airlines baggage handlers all calling in sick on xmas holidays. These people don't care who management is or what it does as long as they get paid. They are glad to have a job to feed there families and don't try to show the companies they work for a NEGATIVE power such as striking!
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They also live in swallar, walk around with a missing hand with no job because they lost it to a employer that only wanted production. Man I could go on and on but whats the use.
I see you offer a full benifit package to your workers? Why do you think a forign owned company cant? Dont think for a second you are the only one who has put in a few hours of work in their life. I worked very hard for this company and they treat us americans like shit. I am talking about me not any one else that works there. You get tired of working in a skilled position at a company for 5-8 years and then a forign owner comes along and rips your life apart. Art I would get pissed at your comments about our workers but its not really worth it. Silver spoons are nice if you have em just a shame that some have a few in their pockets also and dont want to share the wealth.
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We are all different, and have different life expectations. Many of the third world countries don't have enough work for the people. We find that for the most time we can't find the worker for the work! We are constantly looking for people to make a positive difference in our work place. I also know other companies that have a tough time finding people. Cost of business has been driven up by the cost of our government period! It takes from most everyone and is working to distribute what could be looked at as wealth and supplying jobs to people to enforce there laws. This is a negative as it takes tax dollars to pay for this. This could go on and on but basically we are into socialism with elections as there are currently so many divisions of the government that are no longer controlled but by themselves. All that I know is that prolonged strikes put buisnesses out! So when we wind up all struck out who should we congratulate? Who is the winner? Your points may be valid I have no doubt and I wouldn't want to be in your shoes at all.
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Art makes some good points. I'm watching a union factory die in this town. The world changed. The union didn't. Their rules make then uncompetative as a workforce. Sad part is 95% are great workers and can totally be competitive in the global labor pool. 5% are real crap-heads that would be fired in a non-union plant and really need to be but can't because of the rules. Drags everyone else down. Company had several years of weak management and the union took advantage. They won't back down now and soon no one will have a job.
I look at it as 500 people employed as a flexible workforce without the union BS rules is far better than an empty factory with only rent-a-cops for employees.
It's just sad because it didn't have to be this way.
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I will agree 100% about the 5% being losers but I think it is more like 20% are losers. Cant argue there with you. The problem is finding 500 employees in any one area that are quality workers. That is pretty tough! You cant compare a small operation to a large corporation anymore either. Smaller employers like operations like Arts family's buisness (I am assumeing on that one I think he has 3 outfits so I am guessing probably not more than 75 employees?) Can offer the workers a great career with good benifits if the owners are not greedy and the workers they have do 10 hours work for 10 hours pay. When you start talking 500+ employees it would be hard to find 500 workers that actually are ALL worth the money. I read up on what the WHITE's family buisness has to offer its employees and they sure sound like a good employer. Now take away the benifits that they provide and maybe the good working conditions and see if you can fill the positions with qualified work force? Maybe but maybe not!
I dont know where you get the flexible work force crap.
Its a state law, anytime you work more than 40 hours you have to pay 1 1/2 times. That is not a union only thing here. Untill we went out this year Nov. 3
I had the fewest hours over time I ever had in 7 years here. Think it was around 350 hrs overtime. Not that we milked it but because the employer dont want to hire. We are required to work mandatory 10 hour days if schedualed and every other weekend is mandatory. They now also want to own us for 3 out of 4 weekends! Hey listen, I am a tool and die maker not a frickin animal, I think 60 hours a week every week is almost too much especially with only 2 weeks vacation days (after 7 years)a year. I understand why owners of buisnesses dont have any use for unions. I also understand that many union bashers are jealouse we have a few more benifits then SOME (not all) other work places. But to sit here and tell me I dont deserve what I have for a job and that I dont work as hard as anyone else because I have a union in my shop is nothing short of crap.
No one here knows a dam thing about what I do or how hard we work or even if we beat the outside prices (which we do 100% of the time or my boss farms it out) The non union shops charge more WAY MORE for many fixtures I build. Bottom line to the company is that they save money. And yes I am talking about adding up what we cost the company in wages+benifits, my boss has it all figured out. He wants to look good, so if he can save a buck by jobbing it out he does. We have to pick up the pace just to keep our work in shop.
Also you have to remember that many owners fell into the positions they are in. So they have a memory of what it was like to work for a living but may of bounced around from place to place not really setting the world on fire and not really good at anything they done. They get the position handed to them and have the gaul to bad mouth anouther worker? Then there is the boss/owner that knows his shit and has been around the block a few times. He is the best at what he does and has done all the jobs in his shop. (and done them good) Now that is the owner that usually takes care of his employees as long as they work for him and do a great job.
If I sound a bit pissy, you need to of walked in my shoes for the last year ( all kinds of crap going on this year with just about everything in the family) I would not want to be anyone walking up to me and telling me I dont deserve what I got much less telling me I should take a $4 an hour pay cut (we already are below the average for tool makers here, or whats left of them) Then tell me I need to pay $315 a month for health care more and also have a 4K 80/20 along with athe first $900 out of my pocket expense each year. I could go on but am just about to lose it so I better not. Nope I think I would end up with a pretty hefty ticket if some one talked to me about now like that.
I posted here for a informational post (look at the first post) Was not looking for sympathy or to get bitch slapped by anyone especially folks who I thought I could let some steam off too? Silver spooned owners need not jump in on the wagon of bashing my job. CNH will not lower the price of the tractor because they pay us americans less, that is a given! The only thing that will hapen is someone over seas will get a nice fat bonus for screwing a former american employer and employee.
Thats what I am talking about.
Seeya, had about enough of this
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