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I went back to school because I couldn't make more than $13.75/hour as a JOURNEYMAN machinist at my last job (that goes for the whole market area, too). For my health insurance, single was $325/month, the wife had her own, luckly, now she covers both of us.
The only machine shop I will do machinist work for from now on will have my name on the front door.
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But then you would have to outsource it to china, pay the shipping costs and assemble the package here. It could say made in china, packaged in the usa .
Whats going on with manufacturing in this country is a joke. Whats kinda funny is all the techy's that think the laborers are stupid and get what they deserve for not going to school will be next. There will only be a matter of time before R&D and then head qaurters of operations will be over their too. If things dont turn around soon we will be a country with alot of shipping and recieving docks and small assembly plants with little manufacturing and even fewer offices. I hope it does not go that route byt dems and rep. both have not done a damm thing to stop this outsourcing, infact they both passed legislation to make it easier for a company to do just that. In my opinion the only real safe jobs in this country in the future may be healthcare related and educational fields. One never knows. Of course the luxery things will always be here like golf courses and resorts . Think I will just move up to the property live off love and the land. A meager life but I can hit golf balls for free in my clover fields and swim in my jacuzzipondhole. (when its not froze)
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