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 02-10-2005, 21:01 Post: 105921

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I think I may of made a mistake yesterday. There is an old abandoned shack (old one loft one room house) and a garage next to my house on a vacant plot of land. I live on a dead end. I saw a guy and gal walking down the road about 20 min. till dark yesterday. I knew they were strangers. I thought they looked suspitious so I watched them till they got out of sight. My wife then called me into the back kitchen and said 2 folk just went into that garage. I got there just in time to see the 20 ish looking guy crawl thru the broken hole in the garage door and the chick follow. Hmmmm Are they going in there to blow some weed??? Are they going to start her on fire???? Nah!! I said, they are too damm old for that. They have to be seeing what they can find to steal! Wife say's, "Well you going over there?" Laughing out loud I start to get my boots on ans figure I better get my pistol, I aint as young as I used to be and would just the same shoot someone that is going to kick my ass before take a beating!
Wife say's, " Hey I mean't call the police!" Here I am, in a bind (again) What do you do? Walk over there and tell them to get the hell out? I figure one of 3 things would happen
1. They would run or make up a lie why they were there.
2. they would retaliate later when I am not home on my
3. He would get all testy and want to kick my ass, (then I
would have to shoot him) I would go to jail and the
chick would be screwing anouther guy, my wife would
divorce me, my kids would be fatherless.
Do I take my wife's advice and call the police? I figure one of three things may happen if I do that.
1. They would come back later and vandalize my house.
2. They would get a ticket and everything would be done
3. Same as #2 but the 2 people may be just down on their luck looking to steal something valuable to sell for food?
You see I really did not give a crap what they done, its been vacant for ever and there is just some old car parts in there. Hmmm What do you do?
I walk over there and dont see anything (movement or noise) Id take my dog with but she is so old and decrepid she coulnt catch and hurt a blind/death mute rabbit. SO not wanting to stick my head into the garage I walk home thinking they moved on thru the woods. NOPE There they come walking out about 10 min. later (they must of heard my foot steps in the crunchy snow and sat still and were quite.)
Here I am standing on my deck and they see me! They look at each other and keep walking not knowing if they should run or not. They each had 2 steel rims in their hands. Now its about dark. I decide to go outside. I gets in the truck and back out shine the lights on the road. There they are sitting on the rims in the road with a little 5 year old girl with them (I did not see her before). SO what do I do now? They look like they are waiting for a car to get them cause they are a long way from any other road and there was no car parked anywhere I could see. Laughing out loud Well I figured they were just hard on their luck and I decided to not do anything about it. NOW Later that night I am thinking! Hmmm , "you dumb ass, they got balls enough to break into a garage, steal something and not worry about me, (he looks like he just got out of detention or something, pretty skinny and scruffy) and I noticed they were smoking! (*Cant be that hard on their luck) Hmmm I better call the police I say's. I look out the window again, they are gone! No car came down the road or anything. Now I am pissed at myself. I get the shotgun and take a walk outside just looking for that darn old cat Laughing out loud Dont see anything! I slept about 3 hours last night before I had to go to the picket line at 4am today.
What would of you done? I normally would of called the ploce but felt sorry for them. I may be the one that is sorry if they come back and hit my house!
I should of shot em and let the coyotes eat them (but then again I did not see the little girl) Laughing out loud
I hate the position thieves put honest hard working people in!
Was I wrong?????

The owner I have never seen but once about 5 years ago.

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 02-10-2005, 21:35 Post: 105925
Art White

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Tough call but the police would have been the right call! What is it to you!

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 02-10-2005, 22:36 Post: 105928

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I hate the position thieves put honest hard working people in!

It is not just the position thieves put us in, it is anyone who has nothing to loose. I know the feeling and neighbors have said the same thing. They see something being done and do nothing so as not to have retribution. In your case, I may have said something to them like, "maybe you are having hard times so I am going to let you slide this time since that stuff is abandoned, but don't let me see you around here again, there will be harsh consequences." I have had several situations around me. One time someone burnt down my neighbors barn. A month later the parents were away and the kids saw a car with no headlights going into their woods, so they came and got me. We went marching out there and found some homeless people sleeping in their car. I asked them to leave.
We have a local called "one eyed randy", the local retard. He is 35, big, scary looking and just walks around all the time getting into things. He stole my neices bike from my property and I saw it leaning on his parents house. I called the police and met them there. Parents say he's too big and old to be responsible for him but are upset others have pointed guns at him. Police say he has the mind of a 10 year old and they are not responsible. Well all I can say is I am damn sure that I am not responsible so keep him the hell off my property. He worries me because I know he has spawned a child and god knows what may run through his mind. The state police here probably would have let those wheel thieves go. I had a bum of sorts staying with us for a while(boyfriend of sister-in law). He had no license, no insurance, registration, tags, inspection, nothing. He drank sunup to sunset. He got a truck(no title) and drove it everyday and got pulled over several times. I even asked the trooper why he let him go and he said it would do no good to fine him, he wouldn't pay, and jail was a waste since it was not a real serious crime. I know for certain I would get the book thrown at me. This guy went to dollar general and repainted his truck everytime he got pulled over with 3 cans of spraypaint. One day he left us a note --left for Tennessee sell the truck for me. I got $150 for it. He owed the dentist for fixing some of his missing front teeth, the rental center for tools. I told them don't hold your breath. So they joined everyone else and looked the other way.

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 02-11-2005, 08:22 Post: 105939

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I hate the position thieves put honest hard working people in!
Was I wrong?????

I'd say it's time to get a couple younger dogs. They don't mull over all the possible ramifications. They just do what comes natural. They're natures security guards.

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 02-11-2005, 10:01 Post: 105945

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Get a couple of big dogs. Do not live in fear. Do something.Doing nothing is inviting them back. Call the cops. Walk out with gun in hand and greet them. Be polite. Be firm. Be Somebody.

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 02-11-2005, 12:14 Post: 105949

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I gotta admit you were in a tough spot. I had an incident this past spring. A pair of guys in a white pickup on the gravel road by my place. They would back the truck down the road, then park for a bit. Then they'd back the truck somewhere else on the road and park. Wouldn't go forward, only backwards. I saw one get out and drink a beer. I assumed they weren't making out with each other. But I didn't know if they were running a meth lab (a major problem in Iowa) or waiting for someone to make a drug deal. Several homes could clearly see the road. So I called the police. A sheriff showed up within 5 minutes. I don't know what finally happened, but the sherriff was there for a good 30 minutes or more.

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 02-11-2005, 14:32 Post: 105956

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Personally , I think you did the right thing, considering the town you live in. Chances are they found little to sell and won't be back..However , If it happens again, I would do one of the many things you were contemplating. Probably of all of them, I would call the police. Maybe getting a bigger dog would help, but with the friviolus law suits, I would be thinking against siccing a dog on them because chances are you would be sued and the beloved dog who was just doing his job would be put down. Its just a darn shame people don't respect other peoples property.. JohnJ

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 02-11-2005, 17:48 Post: 105962

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Nothing wrong in walking around your own property with a firearm displaying. As long as you don't point it at them ( unless they're on your property) they may get the hint.


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 02-11-2005, 19:37 Post: 105963

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**(qoute) Tough call but the police would have been the right call! What is it to you** Thing about it is that my dad died and his house is vacant on the other side of this (or right next to it) I do have a nice boat motor in his back shed attatched to his garage but I cant get in there unless I dig the snow out, (or break the window!!!) That is what it is to me. I actually own the house now but he owed money out the ying yang on it, and he has no money available so untill I sell it I am having a hard time even paying his utlility bills (And my bills along with my house up north). I just dont want no trouble with that place. I spent 40+ days fixing it up and getting it perefect for sale.
*** (qoute) I may have said something to them like, "maybe you are having hard times so I am going to let you slide this time since that stuff is abandoned, but don't let me see you around here again, there will be harsh consequences***
Laughing out loud That is just about the exact words I was going to use when I walked over there and did not see them anymore.!

***(qoute)Walk out with gun in hand and greet them. Be polite. Be firm. Be Somebody***
Here lie's the problems. My dad was a Law officer (narcotic detective) has put away many many folks and there are many folks out there that dont like him. (Like I said, he is dead now) Problem is that I live next door to him (or his old house) I have the same name as him except for the middle initial. See where this is going? See why I need to evaluate people walking thru the woods next to my house That I have never seen before? Yes I may be a bit paranoid but I do hae 3 kids to worry about. If you sat in jail for 5-20 years and were "set up" in a drug sting by a cop, You may have some retribution or pent up energy towards the guy or his family that done this to you? (Not all the crimminals but it is a reality)
The other thing that looms in my head is what happened in Wisconsin last fall deer hunting. The lunatic that killed 6 folks just 25 miles from my house there. I was brought up that if you are planning on approaching a person with a gun in hand and visable you better be ready to use it. Thats why I feel the conceal and carry law is worthy byt we voted it down.!
Tracer, my biggest problem is my shorter than normal human being temper. I have no use for thieves. I would jusy the same plug them before I take a beating from one. I am affraid of myself and what I may get myself into. Yes I have called the police many times. Yes I have had my wiring harness ripped from under my trailers by the kids I called on. (I found 5 arrows pointing down ward in my back yard one summer, burried 2 inches deep in hard July turf. I called and it was the neighbors kids. I have had problems since!
So no I am not one to sit back and look the other way, fact is my wife tells me I am embarresssing sometimes cause I say and act with no regaurd for people feelings. This time is a first for me, not flying off the handle and doing something. Now that my dad is dead (on one side of me and the problem neighbors house (on the other side) is vacant also most of the time (they are split and the house is for sale and both have moved out) I am pretty much issolated here by myself for a distance on the dead end. I need to take care of my buisness for I have no one to come to my aid (except for 911) if needed.

The best thing that could happen is they come back for more and I call the police. I am making out a report this weekend and turning it in so it is on record. (I just dont want them to slap me for not calling before, I know one pretty good on the force and he will be pissed) We only have 5 on duty at nights so they either get here real fast (if not buisy) or your up a creek if they are.

Laughing out loud I remember when I used to (BACK IN) with the truck. 2 reasons.
1. If you get stuck your pointed in the right direction
to get back on to solid ground and see where you are going.
2. If some one approached ypu on a dead end your not in a postiion of needing to turn around. Yep He was probably up to no good.
My feelings exactly, but like I said I am affraid of myself and what I am capable of in my frame of mind.
Take that statement I just made as a sign of inteligence and not a stupid idiot! I dont want myself in that position cause I know what I am capable of but at the same time I dont want pent up energy in me either, my wife tells me I am getting much better at "thinking" before I act the older I get. I want to continue that trend beacuse in the old days I would of been in his face in about 2 seconds. (remember those days?)
Hey thanks for letting me vent and the talk here was helpful if this ever occurs again in the near future.

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 02-11-2005, 20:16 Post: 105967

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Just a word of warning about carrying a visible firearm. I was first hand witness to incident with a good friend. He had neighbor problems big time. I drove my cummins to his house and neighbors came out to take pictures since they got a court order to keep his "work truck" off his own property. He believed they killed his cat with poison. As this neighbor was taking pictures of me making funny faces, my buddy got his shotgun out. He just carried it around, and told his neighbor not to come on his property, which he didn't and had not. The guy was taking pictures the whole time. We went in the house and sat around. Half hour later swat was there chopper and all. Neighbor called and said he pointed a gun at him. Pictures proved he did not, just carried pointed up , glad I didn't use the finger or moon him. Anyway he got convicted of felony menacing. No more guns for him and a felony on his record. Glad I don't live in suburbia.

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