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 02-11-2005, 23:15 Post: 105969

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I'm not one for visibly displaying a firearm unless it's neccessary (ie they've crossed onto my property and I feel threatened), but concealed with just a friendly 'what you up to' from a distance would be the ticket. The firearm is 'just in case'. I'm of the camp that you don't even 'show' a weapon until you're committed to using it if the situation goes there.

I would have dogs on my property, and Im a big believer that unless someone is specifically after you, dogs will discourage most all of those from the darker side of society. And it's sad, but even in rural america, tall fences have become a neccesity these days.

I've lived next to a psyco neighbor before, and I can attest that situation definitely 'sucks'. You really feel at a loss as to what to do.

For me, it's important to put things in perspective though. For as the scriptures say, "Do not fear man, who can only kill the body, but fear God, who can destroy the soul"

The moral of that story is, that like it or not we are vulnerable creatures, but you can't live in fear (of man). If you do, you wont have a life worth living

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 02-12-2005, 20:48 Post: 105991

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A few years ago, I would have done something hot-headed. With a wife and a baby on the way, I am finding my views and actions changing. I still get fired up, but I try to think things through first.

My problem with society in general, is that we let too many things slide. So some people never learn about the rules because they never had consequences.

A local guy I know has a son that has always been allowed to slide, but not by him. Kid has a major chip on his shoulder. He wouldn't lock his car which was owned by his parents. So his best friend (a mexican with no license, good parents, worthless kid) stole his car to get to a party. Along the way, he managed to hit 2 parked cars, one of which was a custom job. So his dad took away the car. The kid went and bought his own. When he got in trouble with another town's police for not registering the car, he stole the battery and plates from the care his dad took away. He finally got thrown out the house by his dad. So he found a place with another family. Only stipulation was he had to go to school (senior at the high school). He couldn't even do that. So they threw him out. He also got a girl to buy him beer and pass it through a local fast food drive through window to him. So now she's facing charges of supplying alcohol and will likely lose her job. But what does he care? He had his fun ruined when the cops took the beer away. He's not facing any charges cause the local police have always let him slide. So he has never learned anything. Another meathead that society has always let slide so he keeps on learning nothing.

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 02-13-2005, 06:26 Post: 106001

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If I was in that situation, I would seriously think about cashing it all in and moving.

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 02-23-2005, 20:14 Post: 106713

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Funny thing is that we moves out of the city and back to the county to get away from this crap. I am seriously considering moving to my other house. Maine dont look to bad either Laughing out loud.
Now I feel like a ass cause there has been a huge rash of breakins about 5 miles from me. Alot of these smaller buisnesses (resturants, bars, small offices) just on the edge of our city have been broke into that last 5 weeks or so. They have not caught them yet. Here I sit thinking,"I wonder if these jack ases are responsible for all those break ins and I did not call the police. I think it is the first time I have never done anything about a violation I have seen. Me pretty ashamed of myself

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 02-25-2005, 12:19 Post: 106794

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It's never too late to make a report to the police. They may find your description of the people useful and may put a stop to the rash of breakins.

Tell them you didn't think much of it and your situation, but then tell them you heard about all the breakins and they may find the info useful.

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 02-25-2005, 23:24 Post: 106826

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shoot first(salt round) ask questions, get no answers shoot again and give them tramatic lead poison!

All kidding aside, I live on a dead end or as my neighbors call it a "cul de sac". I had some dopes on ATV's last summer tearing up the lawns on the street. I saw them coming to my yard (0200 in the morning I might add) I had my night hitch by the bed, threw it on and chased them in the chevy down the road. I was a dope now because we were doing about 70 on the back roads when one of the kids took a shitter like i never saw. I though he killed himself. He got up, shook it off, flipped me the bird and took off again. I ended the chase. To this day I'm waiting for them to get back at me!

Better off calling the cops. You need the house painted you call a painter, you need a bad guy delt with you call a cop. If you are in danger then shoot em but sometimes it's better to lay low and let them guess who called the cops.

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 02-25-2005, 23:54 Post: 106828

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Go inside. Call the cops. Let the police do their job.

Guard dogs are a nice idea, but either the dogs will be well trained (and not go onto the vacant lot next door= useless to patrol the neighborhood) or they will want to attack. Stangers get bitten. Dog gets put down. You get sued. And it could turn out strangers were just a couple who were sneaking off in the woods for a quickie.

Guns are a nice idea and in a rural area they're good to have for many reasons. I'm not sure wandering out, making a big show of your shotgun, is the best idea though. They could be total jerks and when the cops do show, they say you were threatening to shoot them with it. They could be even worse and make note of whose house to rob if they want a spiffy new huntin' rifle. And heck, if these people were really evil for all you know they're hyped up on dope and have a stolen handgun in their pocket. Shootout at OK corral!

In the end, you have to make a judgement call and decide if they look dangerous enough. If they just look harmless people wandering through, just talk to them... otherwise I'd just quietly watch from inside my home after i called the police.

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 02-26-2005, 11:08 Post: 106851

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The dogs are with out a dought the best determent you can have. Not many folk like messing with any dog that is around 100# and has a mean bark. The law enforcement folk on this site I am sue will agree with this. My father used to tell me this. "Its funny how six of us policmen can have a guy surrounded and will be telling him to lay down on his belly (to arrest him). And this guy is hell bent on fighting all of us. Guys will tell us come on! I'll kick all your asses. Then you have 1 canine officer come in to a situation with his dog Kujo. and all is done. He said you would not believe how affraid most guys are of one dog.
I tend to believe that whetther it is the unpredictability of that dog or what I dont know but it sure seams to be true.
If I had the choice between a alarm system and a dog the dog would win IMO. Think about it, the darn dog sleeps half the day and at night is as bored as can be. Most are just waiting to hear some noise or form of life in or around the house Laughing out loud. (Kinda like we used to be when we were younger) My dog makes me feel safe. Besides a alarm system cant lick your toes. (YUK!)
Sorry that was an overshare!

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