Hornet help
I have a massive ground hornets nest in my back yard. They took up residence in an old gofer hole (trail system) . I would not worry too much because it is in theback of the back yard but I have an ole crippled up dog that my wife loves way more than me, and I am affraid she will mess with the area and be attacked as fall comes and they get more aggressive. Since I have NOT had to cut the grass for over a month and a half (NO RAIN) until this week, I have not noticed this and they have had the opportunity to thrive WAY too long. I can count 10-15 entering in less than 25 seconds and many leaving during the same time. This went on for more than a half hour as I sat and watched the other day. Although it was almost 100 deg. that day and they may of been more active. The next day I still counted almost as many. I would think this could be a very very large nest. While it was pouring rain out 2 days agao, I went out and took a look. They STILL were flying in and out non stop even in the rain! I sprayed a whole can of wasp killer Ortho) the kind that foams, last night. Did next to nothing! Still in and out today. The hole is on the edge (to almost under) of a bush so lighting this bad boy on fire could be disaterous (BIG BUSH)!!! .
Any suggestions? My bride suggested a professional? My pride wont let me do this at this point yet! If my dog gets it tomaroo I will pay for a long time si I better atleast look like I am trying something?
Any suggestions?
help Mate's (and Sheila's)
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Hornet help
Try flooding them out with a garden hose. If that dose not work then you are going to need a professional to to smoke them out/ dead.
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Hornet help
wait till almost dark and spray carberator cleaner or brake cleaner at the nest., best instant bug killer I ever ran into
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Hornet help
Lamarbur is right, what-ever you try do it a good hour after the sun sets then, hit em with everything you got.
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Hornet help
I have had many of these ground nests and found the best
way to really get rid of them is kerosine in a small
sprayer. You may or may not want to use kerosine in the
area you discuss, that I cant tell you. I have done this
and then followed up by removing the soil with my FEL
and bringing back uncontaminated soil to fill it in.
As I said, it will work in situations where nothing else
does, but it is not good for the soil. You have to weigh
that into the equation. I have already had to knock out
a 12 inch balsam stump(removed the top with a chain saw)
with my bulldozer as these nest can go quite deep.
Good luck
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Hornet help
I wiped out a 300 hornet nest like this.
Found their entry hole, made sure there was only one.
Waited till a couple of hours after dark when they were all home asleep.
Used about 2 cups of a volatile liquid that would evaporate easily to suffocate them.-I used laquer thinner. No residue to remove.
Quickly poured the liquid into the tunnel with a funnel.
Dumped a shovel full of dirt on the hole.
Went to bed.
Dug out the nest the next day-all dead- no further hornets at that location.
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Hornet help
Seven dust. Sprinkle around the hole and in the hole . They will be dead in a day or two.
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Hornet help
wait till almost dark and spray carburetor cleaner or brake cleaner at the nest., best instant bug killer I ever ran into
You left out my favorite
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Hornet help
As a guy in the bug business for 20 yrs. Easiest way to get these fellas is at night. In addition, any insecticidal dust poured, squirted or dumped into the hole will do the job. Doesn't take a lot either, maybe an ounce or so. Number one rule is never to be holding the flash light when you do it. Have someone stand a short distance (15-20 feet) away and 90 degrees out from you pointing the light at the hole as you approach. Best trick is to put the dust in a bottle with a spout, like a plastic ketch up bottle. 2 quick squeezes in the hole and they will be gone by morning. The dust stays where you apply it and doesn't leach down in the water table as petroleum product do.
Happy hunting
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Hornet help
I never knew what ground hornets were to clearing out cuttent lot. The killer that shots a long stream worked fine for me in the daylight from back of moving tractor in daylight. I did not dig up any nest. Am about 100% they did not go or come back any of the 2 or 3 I found.
Strangest thing I have ever seen on this line was a professional killer bee guy take some mixture of dishwasher solution in water and sprayed bees and then wiped them off as they were dead that quick. Can tell you did not work on wapse for me.
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