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Guess you don't know proper English either. 2nd YAWN!!
Excuses are like rectums.
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HEy I resemble that remark! (the one about not knowing proper English! Not the other one!
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Well at least you make sense
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Deleted .........................
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Well I guess the latest batch of moonshine has got some kick
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It certainly does seem that all of "Po' Richards" posts are 'well into' the evening hours.
I guess that means one of two things......
Either that's after he's 'well into' the moonshine......
Or that's after his Mom is 'well into' bed and asleep so he can sneak onto the computer.........
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I really believe it is the age old Jekyll & Hyde scenario. During the day he is 49 year old Richard Gauthier from Hinton WV, nice as can be, hard worker, would do anything to help a guy out but after the bottom is up, Hyde, I mean thingy makes its appearance. I can't believe a guy into tractors, welding, bee keeping could be full of piss and vinegar all the time.
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Denwood, I was hoping that the J&H thing was the situation at best, just have not seen the affable side of this guy yet 
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I hate to disagree, but my experience would lead me to suspect that we are seeing his best side.
His bad side has no doubt netted him some felony convictions and some jail time.
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You are probably more on target here as usual, there is really no reason to have any optimism on this one.
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